Interesting video, a bit long but what was jaw dropping surprising is how Dell performed with the secret shopper. I mean pushing services/packages when the secret shopper said no multiple times. Then they added on the extended warranty and antivirus even though she said no. Not cool Dell. HP conversely did an awesome job
Dell didn't just add one warranty, they actually added two of them. One defeats the purpose of other. You can't even pick two of those warranties on their site
Recently I got the chance to try out XPS 15 9500. Laptop looks great, keyboard is ok, screen is probably the best screen I have ever seen on any laptop. But as soon as I hook it up to LG 5K, that laptop screamed. Fans were loud as they could get, and in 10mins of just surfing the web, laptop got very hot, and laggy as hell.
Now, there was macafee installed, and bunch of Dell apps as well. Lots of bloatware.
I never tried Dell before, I had my doubts about Dell. They all got confirmed in just 10mins or so. Now, I can format and reinstall, but that's not what a user should do out of the box.
It's just a shame... That screen is out of this world good