How is everyone’s rated battery capacity ?
= Full Charge Capacity (mAh) / Design Capacity (of 10770mAh)
Using either Coconut Battery (Mac), iMazing (Mac/Windows) to get the % from the iPad logs,
mine only shows Full Charge Capacity of 10471mAh = 97.2% for a New 1cycle iPad for me !
iMazing classifies this as only “Good” 😔 , vs “Excellent” 😊 for 100% on my iPhone.
= Full Charge Capacity (mAh) / Design Capacity (of 10770mAh)
Using either Coconut Battery (Mac), iMazing (Mac/Windows) to get the % from the iPad logs,
mine only shows Full Charge Capacity of 10471mAh = 97.2% for a New 1cycle iPad for me !
iMazing classifies this as only “Good” 😔 , vs “Excellent” 😊 for 100% on my iPhone.