So what's the point of this website?
Poking fun at how ridiculous infosec clickbait vulnerability reporting has become lately. Just because it has a flashy website or it makes the news doesn't mean you need to care.
If you've read all the way to here, congratulations! You're one of the rare people who doesn't just retweet based on the page title
But how are journalists supposed to know which bugs are bad and which bugs aren't?
Talk to people. In particular, talk to people
other than the people who discovered the bug. The latter may or may not be honest about the real impact.
If you hear the words “covert channel”... it's probably overhyped. Most of these come from paper mills who are endlessly recycling the same concept with approximately zero practical security impact. The titles are usually clickbait, and sometimes downright deceptive.
I came here from a news site and they didn't tell me any of this at all!
Then perhaps you should stop reading that news site, just like they stopped reading this site after the first 2 paragraphs.