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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 6, 2024

Disabled flickering but got ghosting (gpu dithering with stillcolour)​

Hey, I had a really bad flickering in my base m2 mac mini and I fixed it by using disabling gpu dithering with stillcolour (or betterdisplay). Now I have ghosting this is when I have a transparent window like safari this is when viewing a video or literally anything (worse irl)) of colours. I tried different monitors and it won’t go away in any. I have a usb-c to cdmi cable from an unknown brand. maybe try an anger one? I have this problem with the cdmi port as well.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2020
Espoo, Finland
Which display is this? I have a BenQ 4K display and I am so happy that disabling the GPU Dithering has finally fixed the flickering etc for me.
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