Any new developments on this?
Hello all -
First, I want to say, I am (like many these days it seems) brand new to the Mac world after decades in the Windows world... Vista finally pushed me over the cliff...

But am now very pleased with my new Mac and love how (most) everything works with such ease! And fast!
That said, I also want to "thank you" for this forum... Seems most every topic I Google leads me to MacRumors... and so after reading if for several weeks now... will make my first post... albeit, in an older thread...
Here's my situation - I am starting to realize that Apple vs "the world" in regards to video - is a complex subject, to say the least... After I got the "basics" down (email, Photoshop, Apps, loading things, etc.) within the Mac world... I then started taking on more complex tasks (complex for me at least LOL)
So, here's where I'm at: Have a new MBPro ('09) and see that QT kinda has the lock on media here... As everyone snubs .avi (and after reading "why".... it makes sense) - however, I'm learning more about HandBrake, VLC, QT, Transmission - and some other apps that all you Mac folks know in your sleep... but are totally new to me as a new Mac user -
Anyway - to cut to the chase, just like the original poster in this thread stated - my situation is similar - I have a 1GB concert video file, that is recorded in .MKV format... It's already pretty crappy quality - but plays "OK" in VLP - but start stretching it out any (15") and the pixelation is pretty bad...
Anyway - so I started searching the 'net - and reading about certain (older) divx type files and peeps not being able to get both Audio and Video when they rip things - etc etc etc - And most "answers" end up pointing to QT Pro with some perisan (sp?) add-on to deal with certain codecs and such -
But I think I'm past all that - or that doesn't apply to me in this case... So anyway, I have this 1GB+ .MKV file, and base on what I read elsewhere, the only way to copy this to a standard DVD, was to rip it with HandBrake... So, I did just that.. I read the HB forum as well as some video forum (and several others) and while most ani and subtitle people prefer .MKV files, it seems there are few tools that work with it... But back to HandBrake... So I basically had 2 options (within setup) and that confused me a bit (FYI, I don't have AppleTV - just want to copy this to a DVD to play on the road) - but several of the "default" settings within HB, showed it was just gonna get ripped back into yet another MKV file (???) which makes no sense for what I wish to do... so I finally found one HQ setting that would save it as a M4V file - which is supposed to be "Apple friendly" (right?) as well as maintain the quality (or at least, when reading other boards, peeps are saying this...) and kinda shredding .avi saying MV4 is "the way to go"...
So now, I stumble across this thread - and start reading about the double losses I'll experience... and am wondering if indeed that is what has happened? - OR - are there any new developments within the Mac world that better address this type of task??
Lastly (sorry so long, but really, I have put some effort into trying to figure out "what is best" to do here) - So, I've ripped it with HB - and after about 2 hours.... came out sounding lousy (can tell I lost the D5.1 to stereo - so that sucks right off the bat) - and then ran it thru my iTunes folder (defaulted there) but played it... and is not looking so hot..
So back to the internet I came - and found this post - about the double loss by doing this process - which makes sense I suppose... but flies in the face of what other "Apple/Video Experts" have stated (everyones an "expert" on the 'net, no? LOL) Sorry - I gotta laugh a little as I try to sort this one out...
So as the original question goes... What now (2009) is the "best" way to take a M4V file - and burn it to DVD to watch in a DVD player later??
Any and all suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated as I've been up all night trying to burn a single DVD!!

Look, I DESPISE Windows... but really, it was never this hard... (and don't get me started on mini-DVI to DVI to HDMI) - and no Blu-Ray support... and I know there's competition going on there - but come on (sigh) ... Digressing... I'm very much on an anti-Windows/Vista campaign right now... but there's just gotta be a better way to make all this work? (and I'd prefer to use GUI over command pls - as I'm not much of a Unix guy to start with)