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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 22, 2014
I'm wondering how much longer will it take Apple to update the design of the Mac App Store to fit Yosemite?

It's indefensibly ill fitting.

Also...they updated the iTunes Store inside iTunes 12 BUT all the app icons in the store still use the way old iOS 6 border radius. Apple has the square source graphics, so they would only have to change the CSS.

What's up with that? How hard can it be?

I'm just wondering...
Usability or GTFO: the Yosemite-style App Store in Mavericks

Also: the Yosemite-inspired App Store on Mavericks is less user-friendly than the earlier version of the store was to me. MacBookPro5,2, 17".

The harder Apple pushes, the greater the likelihood that Apple will no longer profit from people like me.
Yeah, also iTunes Store and Mac App Store are still not consistent.

The font size of the sidemenu in the Mac App Store is TINY compared to the iTunes Store.
Yeah, also iTunes Store and Mac App Store are still not consistent.

The font size of the sidemenu in the Mac App Store is TINY compared to the iTunes Store.

I totally agree with you. After the App Store got updated, I went back to look at the iTunes store and I was disappointed. Though personally I prefer the Mac App Store look with the tiny font. To me, it looks incredibly clean, and I wish the iTunes Store will eventually follow suit.

And now I know this hasn't a shred to due with design, but I also wish Apple would also move the App Store for iOS Apps into the Mac App Store to 1) remove much excessive bloat from the Mac iTunes App and 2) make it more coherent for one App to get all your apps for both platforms.
I also wish Apple would also move the App Store for iOS Apps into the Mac App Store

They can't do that. You need a place to manage your downloaded apps, to delete them and so on.

For Mac apps you do that in the Finder, for iOS apps you do it in the "iOS Finder" aka Homescreen.
But you also need a way to manage iOS apps on your Mac, so they have to keep that part in iTunes and therefore it wouldn't make sense to buy the apps OUTSIDE of iTunes.

They can't do that. You need a place to manage your downloaded apps, to delete them and so on.

For Mac apps you do that in the Finder, for iOS apps you do it in the "iOS Finder" aka Homescreen.
But you also need a way to manage iOS apps on your Mac, so they have to keep that part in iTunes and therefore it wouldn't make sense to buy the apps OUTSIDE of iTunes.


Of course they could do that. They do that right now with iBooks! You buy books on a completely different app and manage back at the iTunes app. Do the same exact thing, but with Apps and merge it with the Mac App Store for simplicity sake since they're both one and the same thing.

And eventually, I'd also really like Apple to take out all iOS syncing functionity from iTunes altogether and perhaps bring back the "iSync" app to take over all syncing duties. Anything to just cut the bloat off of iTunes on Mac. It's such a sick mess in 2014.
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You buy and manage iBooks in the iBooks app, also iBooks are fully usable on a Mac unlike iOS apps.

Completely different.

You can also buy, manage and sync books to your iOS device via iTunes.

You should be able to do the same exact thing with really any type of media or content.

Same thing.
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Of course they could do that. They do that right now with iBooks! You buy books on a completely different app and manage back at the iTunes app. Do the same exact thing, but with Apps and merge it with the Mac App Store for simplicity sake since they're both one and the same thing.

And eventually, I'd also really like Apple to take out all iOS syncing functionity from iTunes altogether and perhaps bring back the "iSync" app to take over all syncing duties. Anything to just cut the bloat off of iTunes on Mac. It's such a sick mess in 2014.

They'll never remove the iOS sync stuff from iTunes.
They'll never remove the iOS sync stuff from iTunes.

Maybe, maybe not. Either way, just separate the types of media and content onto different apps and stores. It's ridiculous that you buy "apps" from a place called "iTunes".
Yeah right, instead of heaving on central place called iTunes why not spread it out into 13 different apps. No, thanks.

While you're at it, why not split all the functionality of the iPhone into separate devices, so every devices would do just one thing really good - less bugs - less bloat. AMAZING!

Oh wait, that's what we had before the iPhone and iTunes.

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Right. The past. That's why they did just that and separated all their content for iOS. You know. The OS that spearheaded the the whole "Post-PC" era thing that Steve was talking about. And you know what? Yosemite is looking an awful like iOS now.

Yea in all seriousness, I'm all for separating all the media and stores just like iOS. iTunes for the Mac is a bloated mess. They've already begun separating their content with the iBooks app, yet I don't see you criticizing Apple for doing that? Now why is that?
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They've already begun separating their content with the iBooks app, yet I don't see you criticizing Apple for doing that? Now why is that?

Because I don't use iBooks.
So far you haven't told me an exact reason why they couldn't, if they wanted to.

Because as I just pointed out, they did it with iBooks. And just because you don't use iBooks doesn't mean this argument is moot.

Anyway, who cares. I didn't mean to derail the thread. I just felt like throwing in my quick two cents. I still agree that I find the inconsistencies in store designs in Yosemite to be somewhat bothersome to me.
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iBooks is Mac only.

The vast majority of iPhone users are on Windows (Windows still holds over 90% of the PC market).

Apple is not going to write and maintain 13 different Windows apps, just so those users can manage their iOS content.

iTunes will stay iTunes until desktop operating systems are dead.

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Maybe, maybe not. Either way, just separate the types of media and content onto different apps and stores. It's ridiculous that you buy "apps" from a place called "iTunes".

I don't want separate apps to manage my iPhone and its content. Doing so would also confuse the average joe user, who (i'm willing to bet) prefers to use one piece of software. Imagine trying to explain to 'joe public' that you have to use all these different apps to manage your music, video, apps etc. No thanks.
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