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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 23, 2005
Can this be for real... Mac Books in color?

They charge $600 more than the base price if you buy a colored macbook from them, or if you send them the one you already own they charge $449 for it. IMO totally not worth it considering the ridiculously high price and the over 3 weeks waiting period.......well unless you're very rich and very bored....
What I don't understand is why they have the ability to paint the Macbook black or white as two of the color options. Isn't that redundant? Or do you get that metallic finish with their paint job? Either, way I don't think it's worth the money....the computers look odd with the keyboards staying the same color.
The colorware "carbon" color is a rich metallic black, and it's glossy, which means you don't get the grease effect.

Personally, if I had a large disposable income, I'd be all over a 2.0 GHz white keyboard in candy apple. My iPod is that color (had it done by them as a gift) and it looks HOT. The premium would be worth it to me to have a macbook no one else has.
I personally dislike them. I do not think that it looks good mostly due to the fact that i am a conventionalist and dont like to see a product ruined and the fact that the keyboard looks aweful.
i think they're gorgeous. and makes your MB pretty unique, which is sweet. if I could afford it, my MB would be in their hands right now getting pinkified. heh ;)
It would be nice to see Apple dip its feet again into the pool of multicoloured books. With the release of the black macbook it does bring hope. I don't think the pro lines will ever go coloured however.

Did anyone see the MacWorld magazine a few months ago where they featured a gorgeous black iMac on the front cover? This could be next!
One thing that jacks up the "new" price at ColorWare is that they include a 1 year Warranty, which is obviously something they're covering out-of-pocket since Apple sure isn't going to honor the warranty on a painted computer.
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