I have a choice between the mac book pro and the imac. what would be the better choice for editing film(video)? i will probably be using final cut pro to edit.
while both are great and can equal in specs, i would go with the macbook pro. simply because of its video card. the MBP is a horse especailly if you max it out with 4 Gb ram.
plus you get the benifits of portablitly when you need it.
yes but i will only be able to get the 20" , 2.66
yeah thats i good idea. thanks alot guys. im going to go with the imac.
where i life the 24" imac is more expensive than the entry level M BP
yeah well where i live. imac entry 24" is about 1500(about $220) more expensive than the MBP. entry level 24" imac costs $2857 and entry level MBP costs $2642. yeah i know, the prices are way more expensive compared to america if i convert the currency.
i think the 20" will be good enough. and then i can always get an external monitor later on