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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 27, 2006
Where can i get apple sweatshirts and t shirts, they dont have to be official and can be anything related to the macintosh and apple. Thanks
You can get official Mac shirts (and many other goodies) at the Corporate Store in Cupertino. I received a few nice items from there thanks to my brother. :cool:

Otherwise, you could do a Google search, or try a place like this.
How hectic is apple in people using their logos on shirts and similair things?

Ive been dying to have a few apple T shirts, but after imports taxes and shipping the items will cost at least twice as much, im thinking of taking a logo off the internet and using one of those iron on kits... so just one for me myself and I... while apple cant find me that easy but i like taking things safe when it comes to the law... :)
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