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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2018
I hope that one of you can help me.

I have purchased a Mac Cube that has a malfunction in the cable between the motherboard and the card to the power switch. The plug for the power switch has fallen off and now I can not figure out where the four wires should be connected.

I have made a sketch and hope that next time you opens your CUBE - you will check to see how the wires are connected.

I apologize for my English - but it's probably better than your Danish, so I hope it's ok



macrumors 68000
Just taken 2 quick shots of this cable and the connector at the power switch board. Don't think it will help too much but tomorrow (it's now time for my beauty-sleep......), I'll check the continuity and hopefully be able to answer your question.
Don't apologize for your English, and yes, it's far superior to my Danish. ;)
Cube cable1.jpg

Cube cable2.jpg


macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
A perfect example of form over function. Imagine how easy the puzzle would be if those wires were colour-coded.

According to Google, there are 24 combinations of ABCD;


It should be safe to brute-force your way through it. Label each wire A,B,C,D on a tag, colour dot or masking tape, then start your way through the list of combinations, trying the power button on each attempt.

I’m guessing there are two pairs of 12v active and neutral. One for the touch sensor and the other for the sleep light.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2018
Hi CooperBox
Thank you very much - it solved the problem and I'm up again.
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