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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 29, 2021
New Jersey
Hey guys, this is my first post here. So I'm currently running a Mac Pro 4,1-5,1 on High Sierra with a GTX 960 4G card. All is well, although obviously, the lack of boot screen support blows.
I've been reading this forum, along with a few of those personal websites that a few have published detailing their knowledge regarding Mac Pros (although i've seen push-back against some of those personal blog sites citing false info; so that adds to my confusion lol) all in search for clear answers on this, and I thought I was under a pretty solid understanding that there would be no way for me to flash my card for boot screen support. However recently when I was on I came across ~155 misc files/backups/ROMs for various GPU's we see in our computers.. many of which happen to be EFI ROMs.

here's a folder in my google drive containing them all

One of them that caught my eye is labeled "GTX960_Mac.bin".
Is there something that I'm not understanding correctly which is stopping me from just flashing that with NV_FLASH, and gaining a boot screen?

Im under the assumption that this could be legit, but i've also heard that certain cards require physically modding the card to successfully complete the flash due to the increased sizes of some of the modified roms? I haven't found a clear discussion encompassing all of these specifics.
(if this is ill-placed I sincerely apologize.)

Stay safe guys, and thanks in advance to anyone who could help me wrap my head around this!


macrumors 601
Sep 20, 2018
Here is another one (I believe you got them from there?)
Is there something that I'm not understanding correctly which is stopping me from just flashing that with NV_FLASH
The only thing you need to consider is the size of the chip and the rom and the ID of the vbios compared to the id of the ROM being flashed. There is a good software for check:
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