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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 25, 2005
So I've got this problem, its not major, its more of an annoyance. I sometimes connect to my Mac Mini from my Powerbook through finder. Now if I put my Powerbook to sleep then sleep/switch off my Mac Mini, when I come to wake my Powerbook it looks unresponsive.

The mouse moves but if I try and open an app, the icon just bounces. After about 1 minute I get a message from finder saying my connection to my Mac Mini has been interupted. After I click disconnect on that everything is back to normal.

What I'm asking is if there is any way to stop this? I suppose an applescript that ejects all shares before sleeping would be the way forward, but I'm not too savvy with applescript.

I use 10.4.6 (if thats the latest) on both computers, if thats any use.

Thanks for your time.
This is a normal time out that the user cannot fix.. I suppose you could use an Applescript, provided it was simply used as an application to double click to run and it ejected all mounted volumes and then slept the computer. However, if you simply choose sleep from the Apple menu or closed the lid, there's no way you're ever going to get an Applescript to run.

Your best bet? Just spend 5+ more seconds and eject the HD yourself before sleeping. Select it in the Finder and hit Cmd-E to "eject" it.
Damn I thought as much. Serve me right for being lazy I suppose. Since I switched to Apple, I've gotten used to it doing everything for me!
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