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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 23, 2006
hey everyone, ive got a serious problem.

Im a graphic designer and ive been designing modelling designs for a clothing company etc etc,

i upload my designs into photobucket (internet photo hosting site), and then paste my designs on a myspace page for the client.

Im on a G5, and i create all my designs on this G5 with illustrator and photoshop, but for some reason only people who have macs can see the pictures on the website. I post them on the website and i can see everything clear as day, but when i ask people on PC's if they can see the pic all they can see is a little red x or a question mark where the JPG should be.

This is doing my head in, and i am not getting paid by the client because, simply, he is on a PC and he cant see the pic on the page, but i can and everyone else on a mac can see it aswell......its wierd.

Is there someway to make sure the JPG's are compadible for both Pc and MAC? I dont understand why people on pcs cant see the pics, as jpgs are the pretty standard type of image uploaded onto the internet/myspace etc.

Can anyone help me out? This is driving me absolutely crazy as it is affecting my income and all my hard work is not viewable to people on PC's.........

Can anyone help out? Has anyone had a similar problem?

baummer said:
How are you exporting the files? Why are yu using myspace for that? Honestly, sounds like a myspace issue.

Yep, that's what it sounds like to me, too.

Why don't you just e-mail them the pics?

Also, you could just give them a direct link to it after you upload it to Photobucket.
thanks guys.

Im not exporting them, i am saving them as jpgs from photoshop.

I am putting them on a myspace page as that is what he wants me to do (design his page etc).

Could be a myspace glitch........

I cant send him the files because its part of my job to paste them on his site for me...hes internet illiterit.

I send him the link to the picture on photobucket and he cant see them i have no idea what is wrong....

is there a way to make sure people can see them on pcs? What if i open the designs in illustrator and export them as jpgs instead?

This has really got me baffled.
1983 said:
thanks guys.

Im not exporting them, i am saving them as jpgs from photoshop.

I am putting them on a myspace page as that is what he wants me to do (design his page etc).

Could be a myspace glitch........

I cant send him the files because its part of my job to paste them on his site for me...hes internet illiterit.

I send him the link to the picture on photobucket and he cant see them i have no idea what is wrong....

is there a way to make sure people can see them on pcs? What if i open the designs in illustrator and export them as jpgs instead?

This has really got me baffled.

Maybe the problem is on his end? This seems a bit weird to me. It doesn't make any sense why a jpg that was made on a Mac wouldn't be visible on a PC. Pretty sure a jpg is a jpg, no matter what kind of computer it was created on.
The "little red X" means either the file is corrupted, or the file type can not be opened within his browser

are you 100% certain that the .jpg or .jpeg extension is being added to the file name prior to uploading? Windblows machines require file exts to be in the metadata/creator codes to properly open files from the net....

You can save & open pics as jpgs all day long on macs and not worry about the exts, but unless you go into PS preferences and specify "always append file extensions", it wont necessarily open on some windblows systems

or perhaps your "computer illiterate" customer doesn't know HOW to open pics or set his computer/browser to open them............
SmurfBoxMasta said:
The "little red X" means either the file is corrupted, or the file type can not be opened within his browser

are you 100% certain that the .jpg or .jpeg extension is being added to the file name prior to uploading? Windblows machines require file exts to be in the metadata/creator codes to properly open files from the net....

You can save & open pics as jpgs all day long on macs and not worry about the exts, but unless you go into PS preferences and specify "always append file extensions", it wont necessarily open on some windblows systems

That right there could very well be the problem. God, I love using a Mac. :)
SmurfBoxMasta said:
The "little red X" means either the file is corrupted, or the file type can not be opened within his browser

are you 100% certain that the .jpg or .jpeg extension is being added to the file name prior to uploading? Windblows machines require file exts to be in the metadata/creator codes to properly open files from the net....

You can save & open pics as jpgs all day long on macs and not worry about the exts, but unless you go into PS preferences and specify "always append file extensions", it wont necessarily open on some windblows systems

or perhaps your "computer illiterate" customer doesn't know HOW to open pics or set his computer/browser to open them............

nah, its not just him who cant open them, i ask people on my msn list to check the site, and only mac users can see the pics up there.

"always append file extensions" that in the preferences when you save a jpg in photoshop/illustrator?

Ill email the dude who owns myspace, and find out if he has had similar problems with other myspace users, it could just be a problem with myspace.....hopefully.

Ill paste a pic here, let me know if you can see the pic up or not.


<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
1983 said:
nah, its not just him who cant open them, i ask people on my msn list to check the site, and only mac users can see the pics up there.

"always append file extensions" that in the preferences when you save a jpg in photoshop/illustrator?

Ill email the dude who owns myspace, and find out if he has had similar problems with other myspace users, it could just be a problem with myspace.....hopefully.

Ill paste a pic here, let me know if you can see the pic up or not.


<img src="" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">

I copied and pasted that link into my browser and got this error:


  • screenshot.jpg
    88.4 KB · Views: 92
Opera 8.51 turns the red into magenta color. Could this problem have something to do with browsers and RGB vs. CMYK? Is there an option to save the jpeg in Photoshop as RGB and see if that makes any difference? (Been too long since I used Photoshop)


  • opera.jpg
    60.9 KB · Views: 73
I was using photoshop for editing pictures then saving them as jpgs and then putting them in powerpoint files for my boss. He has a pc and the red crosses came up for him when he opened the files.

What i did, was saved the picture for web, and even though it was still a jpg etc, he was able to see the pictures, may be try and do this. The red cross I believe in my case represented some sort of jpg compression byte order possibly, nothing to do with the fact that photoshop wasn't installed, as my other computer a PC which also has photoshop couldn't open up the files.
cwedl said:
I was using photoshop for editing pictures then saving them as jpgs and then putting them in powerpoint files for my boss. He has a pc and the red crosses came up for him when he opened the files.

What i did, was saved the picture for web, and even though it was still a jpg etc, he was able to see the pictures, may be try and do this. The red cross I believe in my case represented some sort of jpg compression byte order possibly, nothing to do with the fact that photoshop wasn't installed, as my other computer a PC which also has photoshop couldn't open up the files.

sounds like the exact problem i have. I use safari and i can see the pics uploaded perfectly, so maybe firefox poses the problem.

Ive just been saving the pics as 72dpi Jpgs, but i will try and save for web and see how i go. Do you have to bring the resolution down to 72dpi BEFORE saving for web? or does it just do it automatically? Say, if its 300dpi and i save for web, does it automatically bring the res down to 72dpi?

Maybe there is a problem with using cmyk, ill try and save the pics as cmyk and rgb and see what happens.......maybe there is a color conflict going on, but i dont understand why.

Could you tell me if the pics come up or not? There is one large black one, and a grey one too....

Thanks guys.
It still doesn't work on my PC but is fine on safari. now bearing in mind the pictures don't come up in Firefox for mac, or PC and internet explorer for Mac and PC, I can assume that its to do with the coding of the site. Can you try and upload the pictures to myspace and have a link to all the pictures to download, I really think this issue is browser specific.
1983 said:

Could you tell me if the pics come up or not? There is one large black one, and a grey one too....

Same results here - displays in Safari, but not in Firefox for Windows. Also started blasting music out my headphones without asking, and almost gave me a heart attack!
Could be a problem with the colour mode.

The link above opened fine in Safari, but not in Firefox for me, so I saved the image from Safari to my desktop & tried to open it in Photoshop Elements. I got a message saying that it was in an unsupported colour mode and would have to be converted to RGB to be able to open it.

Try saving your original pics as RGB, and then repeat the process (i.e. upload to Photobucket & Myspace). It may be that Safari alone can recognise the original colour mode, but not the other browsers.
Nermal said:
Same results here - displays in Safari, but not in Firefox for Windows. Also started blasting music out my headphones without asking, and almost gave me a heart attack!

Its doesn't even work on firefox for Mac, if you allow the user to the website to dowload in another way, it should work.
ok, so i just saved the pics as RGB, put the res down to 72dpi and saved for web, uploaded the pix through photobucket and put them on myspace.

Can people let me know if they come up on the page? especially people on PC's and macs using firefox.

Thanks for your help guys, hopefully this works.

1983 said:
ok, so i just saved the pics as RGB, put the res down to 72dpi and saved for web, uploaded the pix through photobucket and put them on myspace.

Can people let me know if they come up on the page? especially people on PC's and macs using firefox.

Thanks for your help guys, hopefully this works.


It's working for me. I'm on a Windows PC, and using Firefox.
1983 said:
ok, so i just saved the pics as RGB, put the res down to 72dpi and saved for web, uploaded the pix through photobucket and put them on myspace.

Can people let me know if they come up on the page? especially people on PC's and macs using firefox.

Thanks for your help guys, hopefully this works.

I just tried. Works for me. iMacG5 10.4.4 using Camino (Mozilla).
Works for me in Safari, Firefox & IE on my Mac. Looks like the problem is sorted! :)

Edit: Just tried on IE6 on my PC & it is coming through loud and clear.
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