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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 13, 2018
Hi all,

Long time lurker first time poster! I have a guy in my work who is seeing strange behaviour whilst searching for mail using the Apple Mail client. He has gmail configured and all his mail appear as is.

When he searches for email and types the users first name e.g. 'john'. It will pull down all the recent email from "John ...". However, when he searches for 'john smith' the search results show older email rather than the recent ones from just typing 'john'!

Obviously my colleague can get use to just typing the first part of the string to search for recent received emails but the behaviour is rather odd and I was wondering if anyone else has come across this?

It's a fairly new Mac running 10.13.5 and I was toying with getting him to re-index Spotlight but I can't see this being the issue because the search is pulling up a result (e.g. spotlight is finding the mail) just not in the conventional way we want it to.

Any other advice would be appreciated!
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