As the title suggests, I'm looking into upgrading my Mac mini's RAM. I've contacted one of the local Apple Resellers. Here's what I wrote:
All I'm looking for here is a little speed bump and the ability to run parallels for minor webdesign work (personal). I don't do anything pro on this machine, its bascically what I use for Muisc and Word proccessing. Do I really to go the 2x1GB modules or do you guys think 1x1GB + 1x256MB will be just fine? I know the sales guy said that they memory has to be identical, but I've heard otherwise on these forums. I really couldn't care less about a few milliseconds here or there...
EDIT: Prices are "Dans la Canadien" (CAD) if that matters.
And this is the response I recieved.Hello,
I have a Mac mini Core Solo. I'd like to know if you guys are able to upgrade the RAM from stock 512MB to 1GB (two 512MB sticks) and if the difference would be noticable. I'm also wondering about running one stock 256MB stick along with a 1GB stick for a total of 1.26GB RAM. I'm interested in upgrading because running Office and a few other PPC programs in Rosetta has become quite bothersome. I'm interested in running Parallels, something which I know is virutally impossible with only 512MB and shared graphics memory. Ofcourse, I'm looking for prices here.
Alright, it all sounds fine to me. I'm just not sure about the reliablilty of information I might be recieving here. This response would certainly be in favor of the store as it involved me spending more money-which I don't really have (just bought an iMacHi there,
Thanks for contacting us. I've discussed your RAM query with our techs, and they've confirmed that the two RAM modules should be identical (for the Mac mini Intel). You have to buy 2 x 1GB module (current price @ $166/module + taxes). Our labour rate for the RAM installs would be $30 + taxes. Just let us know if you want to proceed with the upgrade.
All I'm looking for here is a little speed bump and the ability to run parallels for minor webdesign work (personal). I don't do anything pro on this machine, its bascically what I use for Muisc and Word proccessing. Do I really to go the 2x1GB modules or do you guys think 1x1GB + 1x256MB will be just fine? I know the sales guy said that they memory has to be identical, but I've heard otherwise on these forums. I really couldn't care less about a few milliseconds here or there...
EDIT: Prices are "Dans la Canadien" (CAD) if that matters.