Here is my contribution to obtaining content on the web. It is designed so that you do not have to manage the mac mini directly to download your content. In particular, you will be able to manage your download from any computer connected to the internet, including your iphone.
I provide directions for torrents, but I also highly suggest Usenet. It has the highest selection of 1080p movies and often the highest quality TV series. Moreover, it is guaranteed to max your connection, even FIOS sometimes. I personally use It is $10 a month, and they give you unrestricted access to usenet via SSL with a username and password. Similar to torrent files, you need to download .nzb files ( or which you feed to your usenet client to download everything. In the Usenet universe, the files are partitioned into .rar files and .par files. The file is split up so to easily repair large files. The .par files are to repair the .rar files. I recommend downloading MacPar to open the .par files (it will automatically repair and concatenate the .rar files), however the Usenet app I describe later will do this automatically.
To set up the applications:
Step 1: Get Transmission ->
Step 2: Get Port Forward ->
Step 3 Get SABnzbD+ If you use Usenet ->
Step 4: Launch Transmission. Go into preferences (I think) and enable the web interface. Check which port Transmission is using (default is 9091).
As seen here. Make sure to set up a login and password.
Step 4b: Launch SabNZBd+. It will be default run a web interface. Set up the server information as given to you by Astraweb (or whatever service you get). Note which port sabNZB+ listens to.
Step 5: In Port Forward, set it up to forward port 9091 (for Transmission) and whatever port SabNZB uses.
Step 6: Go to your other computer. Type in your favorite web browser:
or for SabNZBd+
You can replace 9091 with whichever port is being forwarded in step 4 and 5. Enter your login and password.
Step 7: Paypal Capt Crunch money because he's totally sweet.
BONUS! Step 8: Go to and follow it's instructions to get a nice url for your dynamic ip. You will download some software which will route a nice url (such as to your dynamic ip. What will this do? This will allow you to use the URL and you will be able to control Transmission FROM ANY COMPUTER IN THE WORLD.
That's right! Any computer on the internet!
DOUBLE BONUS: Download this script to auto-rename and sort your files for scraping ease in Plex! name
I was so happy to have gotten this to work. Now, I share my happiness with you. I set up all my downloads at home while I'm at work and they are waiting for me when I get home.