VERY surprised at the speeds the new MacBooks have come in at... although Appleinsider predicted all dual core I wasn't totally convinced - I expected a solo in the low end model. The 1.83 and 2 ghz dual core chips are impressive and perhaps the big price cuts had something to do with that?
Which brings me on to the Mac Mini and the core solo version in particular. I was thinking about this model as my first Mac - but the more I look at it, the less impressed I am, particualarly in light of these MacBooks specs as the two often had been very close.
What do you think the odds are of the Mini getting a revision sometime soon? The MacBook Pro has now had two revisions since it ws introduced. I think a 1.66 dual core would be best and a 1.83 in the superdrive version.
Which brings me on to the Mac Mini and the core solo version in particular. I was thinking about this model as my first Mac - but the more I look at it, the less impressed I am, particualarly in light of these MacBooks specs as the two often had been very close.
What do you think the odds are of the Mini getting a revision sometime soon? The MacBook Pro has now had two revisions since it ws introduced. I think a 1.66 dual core would be best and a 1.83 in the superdrive version.