I'm out of ideas. My Senior AppleCare rep let out a big sigh today as well.
11.2 brought the promise of Bluetooth reliability. However, for me it seems to maybe getting worse and causing another problem.
My setup for my home office is somewhat simple: M1 mini, ultrawidescreen monitor, 4k vertical monitor, apple magic keyboard/trackpad and either AirPods Pro or Max for conference calls. Whenever I connect my AirPods now, especially my Max, my keyboard and trackpad panic and seem to stutter. Now, my web conferences are going terrible as every participant in either Meet, Teams, Zoom or Webex says it sounds like I'm having a major stutter.
So I erased my disk and reinstalled 11.2. Same issues.
Another problem seems to be getting worse as well and I asked Apple if this may be a culprit... VPN. I use VPN (Cisco Anyconnect) for SAP for my work. When 11.2 dropped I had a major issue right away. I would be on VPN and everything seemed fine. If my Mac went to sleep, or VPN disconnected after a while, my network would go to absolute crap on my Mini either on Ethernet or WiFi. My restore mentioned above seems to have relieved this for the most part. Reinstalling the OS without the disk wipe did no good for me, so I had to go nuclear on the drive. I would also notice headphone performance issues while on VPN, but perhaps I'm just delirious at this point.
Now to make things weirder, I have an M1 MBP that I tried the peripherals mentioned above on and it works just fine. Even with VPN usage.
I don't feel as insane as another Twitter user reached out to me with the same issue with M1 Mini + AirPods Max combo. I purchased Airbuddy 2 today to see if that could help connect my AirPods more reliably. In a way, they do, but they brought new issues to my headphone experience as well. I just can't win
So now Apple seems stumped with support with me. I may just ask for an Express Replacement for my Mini. The engineers when collecting logs from my Mini were great, but I'm sure they won't be happy when they hear that my issues now seem worse.
Sorry for the long rant. Just curious if anyone is in the same boat as myself besides the Twitter user I mentioned.
11.2 brought the promise of Bluetooth reliability. However, for me it seems to maybe getting worse and causing another problem.
My setup for my home office is somewhat simple: M1 mini, ultrawidescreen monitor, 4k vertical monitor, apple magic keyboard/trackpad and either AirPods Pro or Max for conference calls. Whenever I connect my AirPods now, especially my Max, my keyboard and trackpad panic and seem to stutter. Now, my web conferences are going terrible as every participant in either Meet, Teams, Zoom or Webex says it sounds like I'm having a major stutter.
So I erased my disk and reinstalled 11.2. Same issues.
Another problem seems to be getting worse as well and I asked Apple if this may be a culprit... VPN. I use VPN (Cisco Anyconnect) for SAP for my work. When 11.2 dropped I had a major issue right away. I would be on VPN and everything seemed fine. If my Mac went to sleep, or VPN disconnected after a while, my network would go to absolute crap on my Mini either on Ethernet or WiFi. My restore mentioned above seems to have relieved this for the most part. Reinstalling the OS without the disk wipe did no good for me, so I had to go nuclear on the drive. I would also notice headphone performance issues while on VPN, but perhaps I'm just delirious at this point.
Now to make things weirder, I have an M1 MBP that I tried the peripherals mentioned above on and it works just fine. Even with VPN usage.
I don't feel as insane as another Twitter user reached out to me with the same issue with M1 Mini + AirPods Max combo. I purchased Airbuddy 2 today to see if that could help connect my AirPods more reliably. In a way, they do, but they brought new issues to my headphone experience as well. I just can't win
So now Apple seems stumped with support with me. I may just ask for an Express Replacement for my Mini. The engineers when collecting logs from my Mini were great, but I'm sure they won't be happy when they hear that my issues now seem worse.
Sorry for the long rant. Just curious if anyone is in the same boat as myself besides the Twitter user I mentioned.