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Phil in ocala

Original poster
Jul 14, 2016
Read on line that this happened because of system OS update...I am running 10.11.6 and my only connection is by wifi....anyone know a fix that is not overly complicated...there is a fix posted on line but you must be a total computer Geek to understand it and do it....that is not me.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
step by step here. Not super easy, but doable. Yell if you have questions.

With WiFi working, you should only need these steps:

If you can connect to Wi-Fi, follow these steps to update to version 3.28.2
  1. Open Activity Monitor, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
  2. Select the CPU tab in Activity Monitor, then type "updated" in the search field. The softwareupdated process should now be the only item listed.
  3. Open the Terminal app, which is also in your Utilities folder.
  4. Enter this command in Terminal to update to the current version of the “Incompatible Kernel Extension Configuration Data” kernel extension:

    sudo softwareupdate --background

  5. Enter the admin password of your OS X user account when prompted.
  6. Switch back to Activity Monitor. When the CPU usage (% CPU) of the softwareupdated process returns to zero, the kernel extension should be up to date.
  7. Choose Restart from the Apple menu to restart your Mac.

Phil in ocala

Original poster
Jul 14, 2016
Yes...this is what I saw ...far...far too complicated for me or the average user....Apple should create software to fix this...they broke it.

Phil in ocala

Original poster
Jul 14, 2016
Funny you should suggest this...I bought one and it worked for one week....the mfg replaced it and it worked for about a week...both do nothing more than act as a USB hub now on my iMac
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