Hello all. I've had my 1.83C2D Mini running Plex as a dedicated media center for about 2 years now - love it. However, storage is becoming an issue.
I've been running a 500GB hard drive for a while and its starting to fill up (450GB used). While I am intrigued by the WD 12.5mm 1TB drives, I am not too thrilled with the tight squeeze and probable heat issues.
I am thinking about swapping out the 500GB drive for a 32GB SSD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227393) and using it solely as a boot drive. I will move my movies to an actively-cooled external 3.5" drive (more cost effective).
Will I run into any problems along the way? Is the installation/setup of the SSD drive just the same as a normal SATA II drive? Any other suggestions?
EDIT: After some browsing on the web, I may end up just buying a MiniStack v2.5 enclosure and a 1TB drive and call it a day.
I've been running a 500GB hard drive for a while and its starting to fill up (450GB used). While I am intrigued by the WD 12.5mm 1TB drives, I am not too thrilled with the tight squeeze and probable heat issues.
I am thinking about swapping out the 500GB drive for a 32GB SSD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227393) and using it solely as a boot drive. I will move my movies to an actively-cooled external 3.5" drive (more cost effective).
Will I run into any problems along the way? Is the installation/setup of the SSD drive just the same as a normal SATA II drive? Any other suggestions?
EDIT: After some browsing on the web, I may end up just buying a MiniStack v2.5 enclosure and a 1TB drive and call it a day.