Patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait, etc. etc.
I think "If you need it now, buy it" should be amended to read "If you absolutly must have it now with no question of a doubt, buy it." I understand if your current computer is beyond repair or you are going away(school, etc.) and need a computer desperatly you should buy it, but if you are doing okay with what you have now, why not wait until updates or price drops. Though you may not notice that .05 ghz increase or the extra $50 in your pocket, you will atleast know that you got the most up to date product at the lowest possible price, and in my mind that is worth something. Plus it makes the moment that you actually get the product that much better because you have waited so long. The bottom line is the Mini most likely is near some sort of update, so wait if you can.