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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 7, 2004
Does any one know when I can go into a local store and buy Mac Office 2004? :confused:

I want to get the student version, is it the Full deal or is it an upgrade. :confused:

I'm new to Mac and need advice.

I tried the 30 day download from Apple for Mac Office and it would noy open and I don't know how to, it says some thing about a read only problem then nothing opens, I was going to start using it then when 2004 comes out I would buy it! :confused:


San Antonio
Does any one know when I can go into a local store and buy Mac Office 2004?

I think it should come out at the end of this month or next month, anyway the date is close......I think

I want to get the student version, is it the Full deal or is it an upgrade.

It should be the full package of everything without Virutal PC
patriotn11 said:
I tried the 30 day download from Apple for Mac Office and it would noy open and I don't know how to, it says some thing about a read only problem then nothing opens, I was going to start using it then when 2004 comes out I would buy it! :confused:


San Antonio

Drag the 30 day trial from the mounted dmg into your applications folder (or whichever folder you want). DMGs from the internet are most often read-only as a physical commercial CD is.

Thanks all,

Also, is virtual PC worth it. :rolleyes:

I know this is silly but what is, DMG :confused:

Also some websites are saying 10 or 11 may, that would be nice. :eek:

I just got my MacConnection today. It says that Office: Mac 2004 is available this month. Student/Teacher Edition $134.95 Standard Edition upgrade only $219.95 It says that the Office 2004 for Mac Professional Edition is coming soon. Maybe it will be announced at WWDC along with an upgrade for Virtual OC.
Not silly at all,
Took me 6 months to figure out what LOL meant!

DMG=Disk Image


patriotn11 said:
Thanks all,

Also, is virtual PC worth it. :rolleyes:

I know this is silly but what is, DMG :confused:

Also some websites are saying 10 or 11 may, that would be nice. :eek:

Thank you all............

THanks Jon and 7on,

I got Office Mac to work, I am learing this new Mac thing and I'm Loving it!

Any good free download sites out there and what are the best Mac sites, for reviews and everything, I use for my PC info>

THanks all

I'm glad to be part of the Mac family. :D
I ordered the Office 2004 upgrade as soon as it was announced. Since then I moved, and so I had to change the shipping address with MacMall. While I was doing this, they volunteered the information that Office 2004 was due to ship on May 17. Let's hope that this is true!
patriotn11 said:
THanks Jon and 7on,

I got Office Mac to work, I am learing this new Mac thing and I'm Loving it!

Any good free download sites out there and what are the best Mac sites, for reviews and everything, I use for my PC info>

THanks all

I'm glad to be part of the Mac family. :D is pretty good for reviews and what not. But there are many others I am sure others will write in and post about, but this is the only one that comes to mind right now.
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