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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 27, 2004
Toronto, Ontario
Hi there,

My pb has been running Mac Office X fine these past couple weeks, but i just somthing odd has been happening today. I can open up Word fine, but after i type like 20 characters or so, the rainbow-coloured wheel starts to spin and ceases to stop until i force quit. Has this happened to anyone else out there? This is really frustrating as i use this program quite often.

I'll try reinstalling it i guess... i can't really think of anything else... any suggestions out there for a mac noob? :)

thanks in advance,
well i fixed it .. geez, i keep answering my own posts - lol. perhaps the file was corrupted somehow. i just resaved the file right away and Word is working just dandy now.

but it would still be good to hear about any bugs that people have been experienceing with Word...

When running Word on a notebook, it's a good idea to uncheck "Provide feedback with sound" under Preferences>General. If I remember correctly, the explanation is that the sound card goes to 'sleep' when not being used and needs to wake up before playing any of the event sounds in Word. This can cause a lag (and spinning beach ball) when cutting, pasting, saving, etc. Turning off sound feedback eliminates the lag.
Make sure you have the latest update (10.1.5 I think). It's supposedly more stable.
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