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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 18, 2010
Hi there,

I have a portable external hard drive formatted for mac and I want to be able to view my movies that are on it through my games console. I believe both consoles only read Fat 32 so what are my options to get the consoles to read the HD?

Cheers for any help.
For the XBOX360, it should read most things I believe, but you need to make sure your movies can be read by the xbox360. It only plays some formats.
XBox reads HFS+ no problem, but PS3 will only read Fat32, from experience.

Do you know if xbox plays mp4 as I play those on my ps3?

Also can anyone confirm if this would work:
Mp4 movies on FAT32external HD
plug the HD into ps3 and play the movies
plug the HD into xbox and play the movies

I've had trouble getting my brother's xbox to read .m4v files, but my friend can play .mp4 files on his xbox fine. I don't know if you have to changed the extension to .m4v to .mp4 for xbox to play it? On Xbox's site it says it can play it.

But yes you will need either HSF+ or FAT 32 for your xbox
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