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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 7, 2006
Michigan, USA
Hey there,

I realize it's generally a good idea to search for a subject before you start a new thread on the subject, but it's difficult to put my question into few enough words for a search term. If this question has been asked before, I'm sorry.

My question deals with user deletion and weather or not it will delete files that exist but are not accessible. You see, just last night I was trying to organize my home folder on my user, particularly the documents folder, which was getting really disorganized. I deleted the "All-in-one" data folder, or something like that; I can't remember exactly what it's called but I think you get the idea. I didn't look at it very thoroughly, but it looked pretty unsuspecting. Plus I figured it would be like "iPhoto Library" folder in the Pictures folder, it would just automatically create a new one as necessary. Nothing changed immediately, and I moved on to cleaning up my browser bookmarks, and then logged out.

When I went to log back in this morning after breakfest, to my horror, everything appeared to have been reset. iChat, Camino, Quicktime, iTunes, etc. To open iTunes I had to agree to all the legal stuff again, and when the library appeared everything was gone, including downloaded TV shows and music. So, I went to look in the iTunes folder, and it showed all my music. So I went back to iTunes to "Add to library...", but when I accessed the the music folder through iTunes nothing showed up. Then I went back to the iTunes folder through the finder again, and it showed zero items. However, they're clearly not deleted because the thing still shows 48GB available, when it would be more like 55GB if the the files had been removed, because I had a lot of my CDs ripped.

So, here's the question: if I delete the user that this happened on, will it delete everything, and free up that space?
What is the All-in-One folder? Where was it located in the Library? Do you mean the Application Support folder? Cause yeah, that folder holds a lot of preferences and not the preferences folder for some reason.

As for deleting a user account I think you are alright as long as you move your files to another account. So make sure your music and documents and pics and everything are in the account you are keeping. And then I think you can delete the other user.
GimmeSlack12 said:
What is the All-in-One folder? Where was it located in the Library? Do you mean the Application Support folder? Cause yeah, that folder holds a lot of preferences and not the preferences folder for some reason.

I'm guessing he has an HP All-in-One printer/copier, as those create this type of folder on the root level of the user folder...
Unspeaked said:
I'm guessing he has an HP All-in-One printer/copier, as those create this type of folder on the root level of the user folder...

You are correct.

So is that not what caused the problem?
AndrewZoSo said:
You are correct.

So is that not what caused the problem?

In theory, it shouldn't have caused any problem, since that folder should only hold a few minimal HP items, but maybe some other application began looking at this folder for storing preferences or something.

Whatever caused the problem, it was a pretty freak incident; I've never seen that kind of thing before...
At this point I don't even want to try to save any of the files. I own all my music on factory pressed CDs. All I want to do is make sure that space isn't taken for files I can't access.
Could it be you deleted your entire library, maybe you searched for 'libraries (like iphotos, that you could delete) and ended up deleting your entire user library containing preferences and whatnot. BTW, application support is different from preferences. They are files that are associated with the application, that are document-type files created by the application or in some cases the installer. They are extra files, that the user wouldn't necesarily want in their way (like in their documents folder) they contain such data as templates, indexes, profiles, themes and plugins.
AndrewZoSo said:
So, I went to look in the iTunes folder, and it showed all my music. So I went back to iTunes to "Add to library...", but when I accessed the the music folder through iTunes nothing showed up. Then I went back to the iTunes folder through the finder again, and it showed zero items. However, they're clearly not deleted because the thing still shows 48GB available, when it would be more like 55GB if the the files had been removed, because I had a lot of my CDs ripped.

You should also check to see if it moved your files to the Trash, or made a new iTunes folder and renamed the old one.
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