I have very recently got hold of a Mac Plus 1MB with working screen, keyboard, mouse and SCSI adapter. I have purchased a BlueSCSI module from OneGeekArmy and everything is working as expected, with the system nicely booting off an SD card with System 6.0.8. Now the memory can be upgraded to 4MB so I can run System 7.5.5. Along with the Mac I have received a set of 4 x 2MB 30 pin SIMM modules. These have possible come out of a different Mac. Anyone know if you can fool the Mac to use these SIMMs as 1MB each? I know the address lines are only 22 bit and I am not looking for additional addressable memory, but it would save me forking out another $50-$60 for purchasing proper 1MB SIMMs.
These SIMM modules appear to be the 2 x 8 Mbit + controller variant, so not with 8 individual chips. I think Apple refers to these as "two-chip" modules.
These SIMM modules appear to be the 2 x 8 Mbit + controller variant, so not with 8 individual chips. I think Apple refers to these as "two-chip" modules.