Ok I think I have read enough posts today about Apple pricing in the UK and overseas that we should clarify something. When companies sell overseas they have to deal with massive price fluctuations in currency trades. Now when they have to set a price they usually will go in and peg a price on a currency valuation and then they have to let that ride as long as they have contracts out.
So what does that really mean. Well if the Euro or Pound is very strong compared to the dollar, the price of the equipment will be cheaper in your favor for the duration of the contract. Now lets say that the Euro or pound weakens during that time period will you see price increases? Usually no, there are contract lengths that they will stick to. That is why we usually dont see increases and decreases during normal product runs. So here is the problem. During the last product run the USD was at historic lowes against the other major currencies and the pricing was in favor of that. Now that the tide has turned and the USD has seen huge gains guess what happens on the NEW contracts. Your going to see your price increase.
Its not just apple or anyone wants to SCREW YOU. Its global economies. The price of the 2009 BMW seems to have dropped here in the US. Is that because BMW is whoring out its cars at low prices. No it is becoming cheaper to buy their vehicle at the dollar cost average.
So what does that really mean. Well if the Euro or Pound is very strong compared to the dollar, the price of the equipment will be cheaper in your favor for the duration of the contract. Now lets say that the Euro or pound weakens during that time period will you see price increases? Usually no, there are contract lengths that they will stick to. That is why we usually dont see increases and decreases during normal product runs. So here is the problem. During the last product run the USD was at historic lowes against the other major currencies and the pricing was in favor of that. Now that the tide has turned and the USD has seen huge gains guess what happens on the NEW contracts. Your going to see your price increase.
Its not just apple or anyone wants to SCREW YOU. Its global economies. The price of the 2009 BMW seems to have dropped here in the US. Is that because BMW is whoring out its cars at low prices. No it is becoming cheaper to buy their vehicle at the dollar cost average.