is upgrading such an old system worth it will I see a big difference? and will it be able to keep up with todays standards?
is upgrading such an old system worth it will I see a big difference? and will it be able to keep up with todays standards?
Well, you should probably provide more details. What CPUs do you have in there now and what are you trying to get out of it? Is it too slow for you now? And what kind of budget are you looking at if you were to buy a new computer? Is that going to change in the near-ish future?
But without knowing anything else, I'd say no. "New" software isn't going to run on that system for very much longer due to the 32-bit issue. But if you just want a mild speed bump for <$100 and are happy with the software its running now, then go for it.
Problem is I'm a college student I need a power house for work at home and my MBP for notes but I am selling my MBP to get the new redesigned one everybody is saying is going to come out I already got the buyer lined up
So buy an old powerbook to take notes with..
What I'm getting at is you spend money and time upgrading the MP then you need to hack 10.8 forward on it all for less "power" than a 15" MBP. The MP has other benefits obviously but a 10k geekbench is stock i5 territory, and the i5 will use significantly cheaper RAM.
My Vote MP 4,1 and a powerbook/cheap tablet
is upgrading such an old system worth it will I see a big difference? and will it be able to keep up with todays standards?
I had upgraded my 1,1 to 2,1 with 3.0GHz 8 core and 24GB of memory some years ago. When I upgraded my main system to a mid 2010 with 12 cores, I thought, I would sell it. But I decided to keep it as a backup and am glad, I did.Just to add to an old post but with current news. Even 3 years after this discussion I think it is worth it to keep upgrading these old beast! I did the upgrade from quads to 8 core (3.0GHz) around the time of this last post. Of course I got a great deal on a matched pair ($180 for both) and the swap was pretty straight forward. I then went with an small SSD as my main drive. A huge improvement in using FCP back then. Now, in 2015, I'm eager to upgrade to a GTX 780 and start running a 64bit EFI to boot up with Yosemite! Especially now that I have been using Premire Pro and can't wait to see blazing speeds with my CUDA capable graphics card! Maybe even El Capitan might bring even better performance with all they are touting.