The Mac Pro 1,1 with Octo 2.66 (5355) will still beat up on a 2.0 i7 Mini in processing power. I have the exact same setup. But the mini is getting close to I do have to say pretty impressive that a mac from 2006 upgraded can match up to a computer 5+ years later.
It won't beat the high end mini (I think it's called Server on Apple's site). It has a faster bus and the Quad Mini i7 whoops major butt. Yes, the graphics card is not that great, but it is an AMD can't upgrade the graphics card, but still, the Mac Pro 1,1 only supports PCIe x 16, which is not that bad, but still very old. In my opinion, $1,100 for a 5 year old system is not worth it. I have a 2008 Mac Pro and just upgraded the graphics card to the 5770, it's showing it's age, but still does what it does well. My 2011 MBP (high end) is close as far as the speed goes.
huh I'm surprised to hear you guys recommend the mini, I always assumed those weren't too beefy. what about the mac mini vs the imacs, aren't the imacs more powerful? Or is it the price factor of the minis?
I think I'll wait and shop around a bit more, buying one so many years old for still high price does make me a bit nervous. Just have to keep my eye on ebay for some good deals or maybe look into those newer minis.
The iMacs are great. You get a nice screen and it saves space. Yes, the iMacs are more powerful. Graphics wise an CPU wise. I think most people here recommend the mini because it's cheaper than the used Mac Pro, but it's newer. Plus it saves space.
If you really want a desktop with upgradability, you should definitely wait for a new MP announcement (or whatever Apple is doing with their desktop line). You will definitely see prices drop on older MPs and you might even snag a good deal from the Apple refurb store.
I like the Mac Pro's, they have their own place (production houses). I just don't find them feasible in it's current form. Why would some home user need 2 CPUs? I just don't see it. If you want to play games, I suggest building a PC. For $1,100 you can build a really really good one. Even hackintosh it and dual boot Windows. If you're a designer, etc and don't play games, a mac mini or an imac should suffice.
I guess if you're an occasional gamer, then you might want a Mac Pro, but don't think you're going to get amazing performance out of it. Most games aren't even multi-threaded enough to use 2 CPUs.