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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2010
London, UK.
Hi all,

Not entirely sure where to post this but this seems where the threads on mlpostfactor are.

I've just purchase a mac pro 4,1 and want to my existing SSD that was in the mac pro 1,1 as the boot drive (Yosemite installed using mlpostfactor).

Is it possible to remove the post factor files and just have it as a standard yosemite install without losing my files.

When i put it in the 4,1 mac pro it just boots into OSX utilities.

Could i just install a fresh copy of MacOS over the top?




macrumors 601
Jul 1, 2006
Vancouver Island
parrotgeek1's suggestion will work but your own idea of installing Yosemite over top works as well.
Word of caution, make sure to make the right install selection...(keep all existing files).
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