So I was looking around the forums and have noticed that many users still have their 1,1 but would not advise any work being put into it. Is there a reason for this? I will be running final cut, but I keep thinking the 21gb of ram is worth it.
Will this machine be quick, comparable to other, say, $300-400 desktops? Is it necessarily a bad thing to use it with Lion on it?
Thanks for all your feedback! It is much appreciated.
I would forget about this as a Final Cut machine. Final Cut X is getting written to take advantage of GPU/multiple GPU as well as multiple core power all the time, background rendering, etc. Plus, its going to require more up-to-date versions of OSX and you will be stuck at Lion. You will not run this as an editing machine for very long, you'd do better with a more modern laptop, or frankly, a more recent hi-spec iMac.
The ram doesn't make much difference to this equation. More modern Mac Pros use cheaper standard ram, anyway. Ram won't be your limiting factor.
Plus, there are many places to hit bottlenecks, and you are going to hit most of them fast. I'd view this as an interesting project machine, you'll have a fast snappy personal computer but not a video editing machine
Money you spend on this project is dead money, as its not buying you a future. Just an interesting present.
it may serve you a couple more years as budget FC editing station (though 4k video will probably bring the machine to its limits at times, even with 21GB and octocore upgrade)
I'm not even sure this machine is going to handle 4k video at all, I'm not well versed in how people are keeping up on the graphics cards, but its going to be a pain to keep up with which ones will work, and manually getting drivers working for them, as you won't be getting the drivers through the OSX updates.
You'll have to be a hands-on tinkerer with this thing to get those years out of it. You'll have much better FC performance on a recent iMac.
If you like the idea of a MP, listen to the hordes and only consider 09 forward