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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 24, 2017
Hi everyone
So my MacBook 15" pro mid 2014 running latest Bootrom have recently been shutting down at complete random. When booting up again there is not the typical warning saying that "Your Mac shut down because of a problem...
Ive tried doing a clean install but to no avail

It is exactly like in this youtube video I found

Ive taken it to the local authorised Mac repairment and we've narrowed it down to being the harddrive that is at faulty but I was wondering if any of you in here had seen something like this before?

It also happens in SafeMode so it would suggest a hardware issue and there is no report of a kernel panic... Something that I've noticed in the logs is that it says "[1]: Service exited with abnormal code: 255" a lot. Could this be at fault maybe?

Im currently running the latest update of OSX but it also occurred before HS

If more info is needed ask away...
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