I've been thinking of replacing my Mac Pro 1,1 with a new 27" iMac. For various reasons I've decided to just upgrade my current machine and live with it for a few more years.
I'm going to get a Mac Mini and use it as a central hub slash media server for all the iPhones, iPad and AppleTVs. Moving the 250GB+ of media off the Mac Pro means that i don't need as much HDD space on the Mac Pro.
I think I've got it all worked out, but do have a question about the HDD > SDD swap.
HDD: I currently have the two factory 500GB drives in RAID0. Once I migrate off all the media from the box, I will have less than 100GB of data. I am planning to pick up a 240GB SDD from OWC. Is there any benefit from getting 2x 115GB drives and putting them in RAID0 as well? I know the speed would be theoretically faster, but would I notice it over the single SDD? Also, would I lose TRIM or garbage collection on the SDDs when I put them in RAID?
These are the upgrades I am working on:
CPU: Upgrade from X5150 to X5355. I just picked up a matched pair of X5355's on eBay for $250 (yay!)
GPU: Going to swap my pair of Radeon 5770's for a single 5870. Moving from my 5x1 Portrait setup back to a 3x1 Landscape. Going to upgrade to Lion and FCPX after the upgrade. From what I've read, Lion isn't as multi-mon friendly, and FCPX looks like it will more friendly to a landscape setup (than the multi-window layout of FCPE).
RAM: Upgrading from 8GB to 16GB via OCW. I was surprised to see that even iMovie was using almost all 8GB when exporting 720p home movies.
Cost Analysis:
CPUs: $250 (minus what I can sell the old ones for on eBay)
GPU: $50 (looks like I can sell the the 2x 5770's for about the cost of a 5870)
RAM: $225
SDD: $400
Overall, I don't think it's a bad upgrade for just under $1000. Certainly cheaper than the fully decked out 27" iMac I was looking at. And, will tide me over for a while longer and maybe wait until Ivy Bridge comes out on the Mac Pro front...
I'm going to get a Mac Mini and use it as a central hub slash media server for all the iPhones, iPad and AppleTVs. Moving the 250GB+ of media off the Mac Pro means that i don't need as much HDD space on the Mac Pro.
I think I've got it all worked out, but do have a question about the HDD > SDD swap.
HDD: I currently have the two factory 500GB drives in RAID0. Once I migrate off all the media from the box, I will have less than 100GB of data. I am planning to pick up a 240GB SDD from OWC. Is there any benefit from getting 2x 115GB drives and putting them in RAID0 as well? I know the speed would be theoretically faster, but would I notice it over the single SDD? Also, would I lose TRIM or garbage collection on the SDDs when I put them in RAID?
These are the upgrades I am working on:
CPU: Upgrade from X5150 to X5355. I just picked up a matched pair of X5355's on eBay for $250 (yay!)
GPU: Going to swap my pair of Radeon 5770's for a single 5870. Moving from my 5x1 Portrait setup back to a 3x1 Landscape. Going to upgrade to Lion and FCPX after the upgrade. From what I've read, Lion isn't as multi-mon friendly, and FCPX looks like it will more friendly to a landscape setup (than the multi-window layout of FCPE).
RAM: Upgrading from 8GB to 16GB via OCW. I was surprised to see that even iMovie was using almost all 8GB when exporting 720p home movies.
Cost Analysis:
CPUs: $250 (minus what I can sell the old ones for on eBay)
GPU: $50 (looks like I can sell the the 2x 5770's for about the cost of a 5870)
RAM: $225
SDD: $400
Overall, I don't think it's a bad upgrade for just under $1000. Certainly cheaper than the fully decked out 27" iMac I was looking at. And, will tide me over for a while longer and maybe wait until Ivy Bridge comes out on the Mac Pro front...
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