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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 3, 2007

I've got a 2007 Mac Pro 2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, 10GB, 4HDD/1TB - works perfectly.

Though I was thinking how long has it got left, I know that in terms of current models it's far behind now?

It's fine now and it suits my needs, but when is time to get a new one, or shall I get as much out of this work horse?
If you get a good price to upgrade to a newer one then take it. Otherwise I'd try to extend the life of your current machine if it's still suiting your needs. Upgrading to using 4GB RAM modules if you need more RAM could be a good idea. Also buying a SSD to use as a boot/apps disk could help.
agree with the addition of the SSD, if it does everything you want then a new one will be just that, a new one and when the honeymoon is over you will have less cash. heck, it may last another 2 years and by then you may want the newer iMac or something that is even cooler then now.
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