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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 18, 2011
Hello All,

I have a 2008 Mac Pro 8 Core Xeon running Lion 10.7, my systems Boot Drive is a 4X Software RAID0 setup during a fresh Snow Leopard install, then updated to Lion. Got a message before Lion install telling me that some feature of Lion would not be possible with a RAID as my boot drive. Everything usually seems all fine-and-dandy when running things like Aperture, Photoshop, etc.. but. When running Final Cut Pro X, the first version (Which I believe is still the current one) It ALWAYS crashes half way through editing whatever I happen to be working one. Like for instance, I will add an MPEG-4 video into the timeline along with about 15 others. All MPEG-4 also, and let them Render, have 1 Audio track also, and our of no-where after adding a clip, letting it render, and beginning to play it, all controls will freeze app becomes un-responsive and force quits it's self... Amazingly annoying!

My question is, could my RAID0 be messing with Final Cut Pro X? Or could it be that I only have 1x4GB Ram..? Maybe it's my older ATI Radeon HD 2600XT that doesn't quite support Final Cut Pro X?

Any help would be tremendously appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
I would say the RAM. Open up activity monitor to see how much you're using. Just running Lion alone uses about 1.5 - 2GB for me...
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A5302b Safari/7534.48.3)

Yeah that's what I was thinking also! I'll have to see how much RAM I am using during an edit tomorrow, I will post my findings here and see what you guys have to say. I hope that's what it is! That's easily fixable and upgradable. Not easy on my wallet though haha.

Thanks for the advice,
The following graphics cards are not OpenCL compatible and do not meet the OpenCL compatible graphics card system requirement for Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, and Compressor 4.
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256MB (two dual-link DVI ports) Mac Pro (Early 2008)
The following graphics cards are not OpenCL compatible and do not meet the OpenCL compatible graphics card system requirement for Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, and Compressor 4.
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256MB (two dual-link DVI ports) Mac Pro (Early 2008)

I thought that was the reason also, but, I just got a ATI Radeon HD 6870 that has OpenCL and what not, Final Cut still crashes even on this more powerful graphics card. Now, Final Cut Pro X might not fully support this non-apple Grpahics Card, but, I highly doubt it's causing Final Cut Pro X to crash.. I hope it's not. I do not want to drop the cash into a 5870...
It's hard to tell from this logs. There isn't anything conclusive... but.... a lot of the evidence points towards your GPU. It's possible your GPU is dying. It would be about the right age.
It's hard to tell from this logs. There isn't anything conclusive... but.... a lot of the evidence points towards your GPU. It's possible your GPU is dying. It would be about the right age.

Ummm, GPU dying... Hmm. I just got it..! It better not be dying already!
Ummm, GPU dying... Hmm. I just got it..! It better not be dying already!

Oh right, you've got the 6870 now.

It looks GPU related. Not sure what it is if you just got your new GPU. Is the 2600XT still in there or anything?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A5302b Safari/7534.48.3)

I think it's GPU related also. The 2600 it out of there and the only card in any PCI slot is the 6870. What's weird though, was before I got the 6870 I had the 2600 in there and it still was crashing. I thought getting the card would fix that. I guess not. So, in those logs it doesn't look like it has anything to do with the RAID or lack of ram..?
Check this thread:
Your problem seems to be not hardware but Lion+FCP X combo related (drivers and "graphic libraries" I guess). In above thread you'll find few solutions that worked for some people. Do you absolutely need Lion? I've read that with 10.6.8 FCP X is more stable.

Hmm, I don't need Lion but it is sure nice to have. I'll have to try going back down to 10.6.8. I'm just afraid I will loose the 6870's compatibility... Not sure.
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