Hello. I have 2009 Mac Pro Quad 2,93 with ATI4870 512GB GPU. I decided I will upgrade my 12GB ram to 24GB, with SSD RAID drives and the last thing I maybe want to upgrade is GPU. I am doing this just while patiently sitting and waiting for 2013 Mac Pro ...
My question is if the 4870 to 5770 upgrade is worth it or its better to invest a bit more for 5870. I am mostly using Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6, After Effects CS6 and Premier CS6 ... no gaming on my mac tho...
I noticed in some test sites that 4780 with 512GB ram is 3% faster then 5770 with 1GB ram in overall tests. Is that true?
And on other hand 5870 with 1GB ram is faster for 64% then other 2 cards...
Your thoughts, suggestions? Do I need to upgrade to see any performance difference in my everyday design / video work.
Thanks for any advices.
My question is if the 4870 to 5770 upgrade is worth it or its better to invest a bit more for 5870. I am mostly using Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6, After Effects CS6 and Premier CS6 ... no gaming on my mac tho...
I noticed in some test sites that 4780 with 512GB ram is 3% faster then 5770 with 1GB ram in overall tests. Is that true?
And on other hand 5870 with 1GB ram is faster for 64% then other 2 cards...
Your thoughts, suggestions? Do I need to upgrade to see any performance difference in my everyday design / video work.
Thanks for any advices.