Unfortunately most tech products off-gas harmful chemicals. It may however not be enough to make a difference for most people. For myself, I sit in a room with several computers, 10 displays, printers and external hard drives, and have for 25 years.
As an example, I recently did a 24h urine test for Bromide. It turns out I excreted 14.5mg bromide over 24h. This is very high. Anything over 5mg interferes with iodine utilization for example. The bromide in my body comes primarily from breathing in off-gassing brominated flame retardants (BFRs) from my electronics.
The solution is to move as much of our electronics as far away as possible, and have good ventilation. A machine room would be ideal. And with Thunderbolt, it is now easy to move the computers to an adjacent room.
An appropriately sized HEPA unit in your room will help the situation, too.