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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2018
I upgraded my 2010 Mac Pro with an RX 580 to make it Mojave compatible. I'd already upgraded the processor board to 3.46GHz 6-Core. I also bought a 500GB NVMe before I realised I couldn't boot from it, but with 10.14.1 I know that's fixed.

Just over a week ago my mac started behaving really strange. It would suddenly stop working, blank screens, keyboard and trackpad unresponsive. I think it was a kernel panic but I couldn't see it because of the RX 580 card.

I noticed my memory was being reported as only 16GB when I have 32GB installed. I could see in the memory panel of about this mac that 2 of my memory cards were missing. I removed all the memory and plugged it back in in the opposite order and went back up to 24GB but 1 piece of memory was still missing. The 3 that were working were all from crucial, the 1 causing problems was from HP with Samsung stickers.

I tried running AHT after putting an ATI5770 graphics card back in. With the memory still installed AHT wouldn't finish probing my machine. I noticed the memory also had a red LED next to it on the motherboard. AHT would run after I removed that 1 piece of memory but I got this error code:

Apple Diagnostics:
Last Run: 16/11/4018, 20:31
Version: 3A207
Test Suite: Quick Test
Result: Failed
Failure Code: 4SNS/1/40000001: VeBS-10.742

I searched online and the code seems to mean there is a sensor problem linked to voltage on the PCIe bus. I pulled all my cards from the bus apart from the graphics card and got the same error.

I did some more searching and found this post saying an NVRAM reset had fixed their problem with a very similar code:

I'm going to try that but wanted to post in case anyone knows what this error means. Also, any idea why the AHT thought it was in the year 4018?
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