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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 25, 2014
Currently using a 12 core Mac Pro installed with 1 GTX 970. The card is the windows version and I don't want to flash the card because it's insanely expensive. I could, however, trade my Radeon 5770 for a GT 120. I need the Mac card so I can instal the proper drivers during updates, get the boot screen when I need to, etc.

My issue however
, is that the AMD card is too bulky to fit into my system as I only have one free PCIe slot and the card also requires one power cable I don't have.

I can get my hands on a GT 120 for Mac, but I'm unknowing as to which card will be used during actual video editing and animation. Is there anything I have to do to make sure that the GTX 970 will be utilized? Any certain steps I have to follow?

I will be mostly using Final Cut Pro X and Adobe After Effects CS6.


macrumors P6
Apr 3, 2014
Hong Kong
Basically the card that connected to the monitor will be used.

For FCPX, all GPU will be used.

And you can setup remote control for driver update, not necessary install an extra GPU for that.

Since boot screen should be rarely required. You may consider just keep your 5770, and only swap it back when you really need it.
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