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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 29, 2012

I currently have a Mac Pro 3.1 w/2 2.8ghz processors w/ ATI HD 2600 video card and 4 mb of Ram. Contemplating the purchase of a Nikon D800E camera that shoots up to 36 mb still images. This setup can result in RAW image sizes that can exceed 65mb. I know that I will need to up the amount of RAM, but for Photoshop and other high end photo editing packages, what amount of RAM would be optimum? Also, is this whole computer setup adequate for the task at hand, or is it pretty marginal?

Thanks in advance for any help
Definitely up to the task. Memory is insanely expensive for those 2008's though. Your GPU will be the biggest drawback but that is replaceable. Get at least 16GB of memory. Should be fine. Would be a shame to buy a new Mac without even getting close to maxing out your current box. You could also get an SSD for boot as well.
As derbothaus said the biggest problem will be the GPU. Replace it with a mid GTX5xx and you'll be fine for a while.

Increasing the RAM will help greatly. Although it is slightly expensive, it was the biggest gain in performance I have found with mine. Although I went straight to 10GB it was clearly noticeable from the amount shipped with the machine originally.

An SSD will clearly show you a speed increase, but I would do this last as it's the most expensive. Sort out the other area's first and worry about a SSD at a later date.
Yes I realize the GPU is upgradable and was contemplating the Radeon 5870 from OWC at $483. But, my concern was with the upcoming Mtn. Lion. Will it kill this 5870 card? So I guess I'll wait and see
Thanks again
Honestly with a RAM increase you should be fine (from my experience running 10gb). I do rather large transfer images (gassing for an 800 as well, as it would cut down on my work) for these I usually combine 6 to 8 images as I push the transfers up to 8x8' or 8x12'. Ive had no problems, other than Pshop itself on occasions, which is not a fault of the box.
Rustyrd, how confident are with tinkering? i would hold off on a new card until ML has been released and the clever ones on here have determined whether or not the nVidia cards still work properly.

If they do, wait and get a mid range 5xx or 6xx series. They work much better with Creative Suite. The ATi card was a reasonable upgrade back in 2010, but now it is a complete joke.
If they do, wait and get a mid range 5xx or 6xx series. They work much better with Creative Suite. The ATi card was a reasonable upgrade back in 2010, but now it is a complete joke.

And yet still leagues faster than current 2012 iMac and Macbook Pro's mobile 6790m, 650m, etc. Let's at least have a little reality check. In desktop land yes, they are outdated and outpaced but compared to other "officially" supported cards they have held their own and for most users are still a big improvement. I will agree that they are a financial joke.
Mac Pro 3.1 Photoshop suitability

" i would hold off on a new card until ML has been released and the clever ones on here have determined whether or not the nVidia cards still work properly."

This is precisely WHY I am waiting. I thought about the new video card but then thought it would be far wiser to wait and see just how Mtn.Lion shakes out, especially with regards to rather or not there is support for a Non Apple supported video card.

Thanks again guys for all your input.

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