What cards could I get that would not slow down my fast SSD's?
Either a RAID card (
example) or non-RAID HBA (Host Bus Adapter) like the ATTO H608 that's:
- 6.0Gb/s compliant
- More than 1x lanes (the cards I'm talking about in this case are 8x lanes)
Also, if that card's bandwidth is only 500MB/s then I wouldn't be able to get the max 600MB/s speed that the SSD's offer, right? Is there a card that allows that top speed?
Keep in mind that 6.0Gb/s tops out at ~540 - 550MB/s for sustained throughputs anyway.
So maybe the ATTO card is the best option. It would keep it cleaner because it would be all internal. If I did that, I'd need to get the card, plus the adapter kit like you mentioned. I found the ATTO card cheaper in you other thread. Is this link below e right one I'd need?
And then the adapter kit I'd need for my 2010 MP would be SZ-MACPRO10-SA06, right? The link is below.
How exactly does the adapter kit work? I'm assuming it's for my four HD bays. What about my optical drive bays? I have one optical bay taken with my Blu ray drive, but id like to put some SSD's in the lower bay as well. I think the adapter kit is only for the four hard drive bays, right?
Yes, this will work.
You can also use a RAID card (see example linked above). Yes, it's more expensive. But it will also allow for future opportunities/flexibility in terms of RAID (which is particularly important if you're going to be earning a living with the machine; it can provide both speed and redundancy for critical data).
Please understand however, that no matter what sort of storage system you have, you need a proper backup system in place (life happens, and it can really ruin your day).
As per the empty optical bay, you use a
fan-out cable to connect the card to disks in terms of data signals (you'd need to buy one if you get an ATTO card; Areca includes them), and use a SATA Y splitter for power (connect it to the system cable that resides in the empty optical bay, which contains both data and power). As per mounts, there are ready-made mounting systems as well as DIY methods (specifics will depend on how many you're trying to run).
I have previously tried the ATTO solution using a SAS to sata connector from max upgrades, and had difficulty getting consistent boots (kernel panics on restart) and also the 6gbs speeds were no where near what they should be especially for the write speeds. Your luck might be better, but be forewarned that this is not clear cut.
Hard to base it on a single instance though (not discounting what you went through, but it's hard with MP's, as to get a real picture, we'd need multiple machine models to test with, and it may even have been an early driver or firmware revision that caused all of the fuss - too many variables and not enough information).
Areca has an external port non-RAID card (ARC-1320) that you're aware of IIRC. But no internal versions yet, and I've not checked to see if they've released firmware that will allow them to boot OS X (EBC based boot.bin).
Personally, I actually prefer a RAID card due to the additional features. They also seem to get more attention than their non-RAID counterparts IMO as well. Not just the web page space/press attention, but in terms of speed support issues may be addressed (even amongst the likes of Areca and ATTO).