I have experienced this black screen since last week. At first it was kind of random. After a view days it happened every time, especially under Windows 10. So far, I checked the usual suspects. I thought it might be the GPU. Since I still have my AMD Radeon 580, I put that in and tested again. It took a little longer, but after a while the same result - Black screen. I also experimented with different Amd drivers on the Win10 side, - No luck. Because of this, I think it could be a degrading Power Supply. Maybe I have taxed it too much for too long With the occasional AAA game on Steam. I would like to know your take on this, if you have experienced a degrading Power supply or if it could be something else, like a melting CPU. I can get a new MP5.1 PS for a pretty penny, but I don’t want to throw money towards bad odds. What’s your experience on it? After all it’s a decade+ old computer.
I have experienced this black screen since last week. At first it was kind of random. After a view days it happened every time, especially under Windows 10. So far, I checked the usual suspects. I thought it might be the GPU. Since I still have my AMD Radeon 580, I put that in and tested again. It took a little longer, but after a while the same result - Black screen. I also experimented with different Amd drivers on the Win10 side, - No luck. Because of this, I think it could be a degrading Power Supply. Maybe I have taxed it too much for too long With the occasional AAA game on Steam. I would like to know your take on this, if you have experienced a degrading Power supply or if it could be something else, like a melting CPU. I can get a new MP5.1 PS for a pretty penny, but I don’t want to throw money towards bad odds. What’s your experience on it? After all it’s a decade+ old computer.