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Original poster
May 9, 2020
Hello all...
I have an issue with my Windows 7 x64 install.
I have a 5,1 running OS 10.13.6, Bootcamp 6.1.0. I have Windows 7 (32x64) on install DVD, I used the x32 version on my older Mac 1,1 Bootcamp installed that version great so I was expecting the same results now that I have a 5,1.... not!
In my 5,1 I wanted to install Window 7 x64 on a "Separate" dedicated drive, however bootcamp wants me to install it on my existing Mac Drive as a Partition = NO, Don't want windows and Mac OS sharing the same drive. So I set out to install without Bootcamp.
I have my USB with the appropriate drivers installed and I have my Mac drive set to MBR and NTFS.
Just so you know, I tried multiple formats to load x64 onto this drive, it seems Windows on my machine doesn't like GUID, or GPT or MS-Dos Fat nor exFat... trust me I tried them all... unless I missed a specific order my Mac would only accept MBR - NTFS.

I did the install manually, it loaded, .. after the installation the initial restart into the windows drive I was met with an error of
"Disc Read Error Occurred"
This is were I am stuck at right now. it seems I can not boot into the windows installation. I have been trying to read into how to fix this issue however all material so far is suggesting I re order the BIOS, which I think is wrong seeing how my motherboard should have nothing to do with booting into this drive... but what do I know.

I have been at this for 3 days now so any ideas you all have would be awesome...
Thanks in advance,
You will have safer, more reliable results if you install Win 7 64 to it's own spare hdd/ssd.
When you attempted the native install of Win 7 64 bit from your ODD , is the target a SATA drive ?

If so , did you reformat the drive using the Windows installer ?

When you perform this operation , I would remove all other drives in your System to prevent any tragic mistakes .
When you attempted the native install of Win 7 64 bit from your ODD , is the target a SATA drive ?

If so , did you reformat the drive using the Windows installer ?

When you perform this operation , I would remove all other drives in your System to prevent any tragic mistakes .
The disk was already formated, the dvd installer didn't even list that as an option it was just ready to install.
I formatted the disk prior to loading
Yes I did, the Windows 7 files are all loaded on the correct drive, the dvd finished it's installation. it just gave be the faile to read error when I tried to boot into the drive.
I can even see the windows drive available from the "Startup Disk" menu inside the Mac system preference window...
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