Thank you! Will do!Do an SMC reset and a deep PRAM reset. You should be able to create a fresh install and boot from there, unless you have firmware or hardware issues (firmware is a distinct possibility).
Will do! and will report back on results. Thank you!Like @crjackson2134 wrote, if after doing a multiple continuous NVRAM reset with a wired KB - press CMD-Option-P-R immediately after power up and keep it presses until you hear the 5th chime (resetting the NVRAM continously 4x in sequence) - does not allow you to boot macOS, the most probable is that the Mac Pro BootROM is now corrupt.
If you have another Mac, install Mavericks to a spare disk, install the Mavericks to the HDD bay 1, remove the RTC battery and then try to boot Mavericks. If you can boot it, you proved that the BootROM have issues, since removing the RTC battery instructed the Mac Pro firmware to completely (temporarily, while the RTC battery is not installed) bypass the NVRAM volume inside the BootROM SPI flash memory - firmware fail safe boot.
Ironically, I had a 2009 Macbook Pro running Linux that I re-installed Yosemite on and was trying that very solution. In the middle of that, the MB Pro died. 100% hardware failure.Will do! and will report back on results. Thank you!
The 5th chime was it. The new High Sierra SSD booted immediately! Thank you, guys! I forgot how "fresh" a new install feels.
This should be my last question for now: Is there a set of instructions for maxing out this machine in a way that I can't screw-up?
Again, THANK YOU!!!
I'm a little lost on the BootROM. I searched through the pages above but can't pin the tail on the OS. Can you, please, point me to the specific details? I want to do this right this time. The rest of the Upgrade Guide looks great, but I'm not doing any changes until the BootROM repair is complete.
I do have one more question. My original SSD is so corrupted that neither my Mac or my Windows will recognize the drive. I went through Easus, Disk Drill and a couple of other recovery programs and they didn't help. And, as I mentioned, I want to get this right, step by step, until I have a 2010 "Hot Rod" and have learned each step along the way. (I really wish I had major in Comp Sci in college instead of Music!)
Could you send me one as well please, FrankI'll send you a PM about the BootROM reconstruction service require files, service fee and turnaround time.