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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 22, 2015
tried looking at different posts about this but got no hope. so my mac just suddenly stopped working when i boot up theres a red light on the tray and the fan just spins super loud and thats about it.

I press the diag button to check on the power supply and it seems fine, tried removing all rams putting 1 by 1 and didnt fix the issue. tried removing that battery on the back board and putting it back in and pressing the reset button didnt work.. tried removing all cards / hdd and still no hope. Is my cpu dead? I mean i replaced it not long ago either ...


Jun 13, 2016
Test your complete CPU tray with another Mac Pro, test a known working CPU tray with yours - after that you will know for sure where the problem is located and what to investigate.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 22, 2015
Test your complete CPU tray with another Mac Pro, test a known working CPU tray with yours - after that you will know for sure where the problem is located and what to investigate.
damn not sure where i can find another mac to test that hahah
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