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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2023

I'm having some problems with my mid-2010 Mac Pro that I'm hoping someone here can help with.

Mid 2010 CMP.
Upgraded via 2 x secondhand 3.46GHz Xeon.
12GB original RAM + 2 x 8GB OWC DIMM (28GB total).
Big Sur via OCLP.
Patched Radeon RX580.

The machine generally works well and doesn't really struggle with the moderate loads that I put on it. If I push it too hard when I use it as a DAW, then it does have occasional app-level crashes.

However, I am getting a regular major lockup - i.e. GUI / mouse/kbd freeze, Mac disappears from the LAN etc. I have to power cycle to resolve this.

I have spent the whole weekend trying to isolate the problem by running a looping playback test with Pro Tools and the following:
RAM rearrangement.
Swap between new RAM only / original RAM only.
Uninstall Blackmagic video driver / kext.
Use different audio hardware as audio device for system + Pro Tools.
"Quitting" various software etc.

But I'm still getting the same lockup problem.
The locking nature of the crash seems like a hardware problem to me, but I'm no expert. I did upgrade the CPUs on the Mac Pro, but the unit runs cool and I have very conservative fan settings.

Next step is a fresh install of Big Sur, but after that I'm lost.

I'll paste some logs below - can anyone help?

Last panic report:
panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff8003fb9b56): Kernel trap at 0xffffff8003fb3eec, type 13=general protection, registers:
CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x00000001104fd000, CR3: 0x0000000008921000, CR4: 0x00000000000226e0
RAX: 0xffffff800912f0f8, RBX: 0xffffff869b20c9f8, RCX: 0x0000000000000000, RDX: 0x0000000000000008
RSP: 0xffffffa091d6be90, RBP: 0xffffffa091d6beb0, RSI: 0xffffff86b0742d90, RDI: 0x8040000407aed063
R8:  0xffffff8004c4a040, R9:  0x0000000000000001, R10: 0xffffff86bc4a3ca0, R11: 0x0000000008921000
R12: 0xffffff86bc4a3ce8, R13: 0x000001b79d22c9df, R14: 0xffffff86bc4a3c98, R15: 0xffffffa06c39db3c
RFL: 0x0000000000010086, RIP: 0xffffff8003fb3eec, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
Fault CR2: 0x00000001104fd000, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x8, PL: 0, VF: 0

Backtrace (CPU 8), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff8003d5a1e0 : 0xffffff8003e802fd mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x3fd
0xffffff8003d5a230 : 0xffffff8003fc9193 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x143
0xffffff8003d5a270 : 0xffffff8003fb978a mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x55a
0xffffff8003d5a2c0 : 0xffffff8003e24a2f mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xff
0xffffff8003d5a2e0 : 0xffffff8003e7fb1d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0xad
0xffffff8003d5a400 : 0xffffff8003e7fe13 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x273
0xffffff8003d5a470 : 0xffffff800469459a mach_kernel : _panic + 0x54
0xffffff8003d5a4e0 : 0xffffff8003fb9b56 mach_kernel : _sync_iss_to_iks + 0x2c6
0xffffff8003d5a660 : 0xffffff8003fb983d mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x60d
0xffffff8003d5a6b0 : 0xffffff8003e24a2f mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xff
0xffffff8003d5a6d0 : 0xffffff8003fb3eec mach_kernel : _machine_switch_context + 0x11c
0xffffffa091d6beb0 : 0xffffff8003fb6772 mach_kernel : _machine_stack_handoff + 0x82
0xffffffa091d6bed0 : 0xffffff8003ea51cb mach_kernel : _thread_unstop + 0x1acb
0xffffffa091d6bf40 : 0xffffff8003ea6c9d mach_kernel : _thread_run + 0x5d
0xffffffa091d6bf80 : 0xffffff8003ea898b mach_kernel : _idle_thread + 0x7b
0xffffffa091d6bfa0 : 0xffffff8003e2413e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e

Process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -lilubetaall -btlfxallowanyaddr ipc_control_port_options=0 -nokcmismatchpanic

Mac OS version: 20G1427
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Thu Jul  6 22:12:47 PDT 2023; root:xnu-7195.141.49.702.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 519A0898-ED4B-3E72-8F00-1B49F715A474
KernelCache slide: 0x0000000003c00000
KernelCache base:  0xffffff8003e00000
Kernel slide:      0x0000000003c10000
Kernel text base:  0xffffff8003e10000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8003d00000
System model name: MacPro5,1 (Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 1888129646443
Last Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano
Uptime  : 0x000001b79d4c09b0
Sleep   : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
Wake    : 0x0000000000000000 0x00000019862b6260 0x0000000000000000

Previous panic report:
panic(cpu 9 caller 0xffffff80069b9b56): Kernel trap at 0xffffff80069dcc7b, type 13=general protection, registers:
CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0x0000000001000021, CR3: 0x000000035d3c80e0, CR4: 0x00000000000226e0
RAX: 0x80400003126e3063, RBX: 0x0000000000000000, RCX: 0x0000000000009000, RDX: 0x0000000000000020
RSP: 0xffffffa097bfbbd0, RBP: 0xffffffa097bfbbd0, RSI: 0x0000000001000021, RDI: 0xffffff8694cfd3e8
R8:  0x0000000001000021, R9:  0x0000000000000000, R10: 0x0000000000000001, R11: 0xffffffa097bfbec0
R12: 0x0000000001000000, R13: 0x0000000000000001, R14: 0x0000000000000022, R15: 0x0000000000000001
RFL: 0x0000000000010206, RIP: 0xffffff80069dcc7b, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
Fault CR2: 0x0000000001000021, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x9, PL: 1, VF: 0

Backtrace (CPU 9), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff800675a9e0 : 0xffffff80068802fd mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x3fd
0xffffff800675aa30 : 0xffffff80069c9193 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x143
0xffffff800675aa70 : 0xffffff80069b978a mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x55a
0xffffff800675aac0 : 0xffffff8006824a2f mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xff
0xffffff800675aae0 : 0xffffff800687fb1d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0xad
0xffffff800675ac00 : 0xffffff800687fe13 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x273
0xffffff800675ac70 : 0xffffff800709459a mach_kernel : _panic + 0x54
0xffffff800675ace0 : 0xffffff80069b9b56 mach_kernel : _sync_iss_to_iks + 0x2c6
0xffffff800675ae60 : 0xffffff80069b983d mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x60d
0xffffff800675aeb0 : 0xffffff8006824a2f mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xff
0xffffff800675aed0 : 0xffffff80069dcc7b mach_kernel : __Z11counter_incPPy + 0x1b
0xffffffa097bfbbd0 : 0xffffff8006917602 mach_kernel : _vm_pre_fault + 0x3d2
0xffffffa097bfbe20 : 0xffffff80069b94ab mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x27b
0xffffffa097bfbe90 : 0xffffff8006824a2f mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xff
0xffffffa097bfbeb0 : 0xffffff800699d5c0 mach_kernel : _mach_call_munger64

Process name corresponding to current thread: Pro Tools
Boot args: keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -lilubetaall -btlfxallowanyaddr ipc_control_port_options=0 -nokcmismatchpanic -disable_sidecar_mac

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Thu Jul  6 22:12:47 PDT 2023; root:xnu-7195.141.49.702.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 519A0898-ED4B-3E72-8F00-1B49F715A474
KernelCache slide: 0x0000000006600000
KernelCache base:  0xffffff8006800000
Kernel slide:      0x0000000006610000
Kernel text base:  0xffffff8006810000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8006700000
System model name: MacPro5,1 (Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 15161126942617
Last Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano
  Uptime  : 0x00000dc9f996026f
  Sleep   : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
  Wake    : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000001a13b365d4 0x0000000000000000

routined crash report, logged likely at the time of the last freeze:
Process:               routined [20920]
Path:                  /usr/libexec/routined
Identifier:            routined
Version:               ???
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2024-12-02 00:13:28.0856 +0000
OS Version:            macOS 11.7.10 (20G1427)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        6A455750-7DFB-183D-8BB2-6BA21DE0B1F8

Time Awake Since Boot: 5400 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        3  Dispatch queue: RTEventModelProvider-0x7f98ab727200

Exception Type:        EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Application Specific Information:

abort() called

Thread 0::  Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff2055129a mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff2055160c mach_msg + 60
2   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2067ec45 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 316
3   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2067d30b __CFRunLoopRun + 1332
4   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2067c710 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 567
5   Foundation                            0x7fff21339647 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 212
6   Foundation                            0x7fff213c74e1 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 76
7   routined                                 0x105413589 0x105410000 + 13705
8   libdyld.dylib                         0x7fff205a1f3d start + 1

Thread 1::  Dispatch queue: NSManagedObjectContext 0x7f98ac8312a0: routined
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff20552986 kevent_id + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203f96b7 _dispatch_kq_poll + 163
2   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203fa222 _dispatch_event_loop_wait_for_ownership + 522
3   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e9812 __DISPATCH_WAIT_FOR_QUEUE__ + 270
4   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e9475 _dispatch_sync_f_slow + 171
5   CoreData                              0x7fff25d451d2 _perform + 178
6   CoreData                              0x7fff25d454bb -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeHeavyweightBlock:] + 203
7   CoreData                              0x7fff25c7a94f -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 1791
8   CoreData                              0x7fff25cdc221 -[NSManagedObjectContext executeRequest:error:] + 481
9   libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2dedf203 -[RTPersistenceContext executeRequest:error:] + 787
10  CoreData                              0x7fff25e0e794 ancillaryModelObjectBlock_block_invoke + 404
11  CoreData                              0x7fff25e107bc _faultBatchAtIndex + 3020
12  CoreData                              0x7fff25e10a9c -[_PFBatchFaultingArray getObjects:range:] + 204
13  CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2066e071 -[NSMutableArray insertObjectsFromArray:range:atIndex:] + 301
14  CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2066de6e -[NSMutableArray addObjectsFromArray:] + 486
15  CoreData                              0x7fff25e3bf0b -[NSPersistentHistoryResult initWithSubresults:] + 907
16  CoreData                              0x7fff25d4cdd3 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _processStoreResults:forRequest:] + 211
17  CoreData                              0x7fff25d4f472 __65-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:]_block_invoke.851 + 7714
18  CoreData                              0x7fff25d454ed -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeHeavyweightBlock:] + 253
19  CoreData                              0x7fff25c7a94f -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 1791
20  CoreData                              0x7fff25cdc221 -[NSManagedObjectContext executeRequest:error:] + 481
21  libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2dedf203 -[RTPersistenceContext executeRequest:error:] + 787
22  libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2df15985 __83-[RTPersistenceMirroringManager(Metrics) collectMetricsFromMirroringRequest:error:]_block_invoke_2 + 82
23  CoreData                              0x7fff25cb37e1 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 161
24  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
25  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
26  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30ad _dispatch_lane_invoke + 366
27  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
28  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
29  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 2::  Dispatch queue: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 0x7f98ac81d4b0
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff20553b92 __semwait_signal + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib                     0x7fff204d3c1a nanosleep + 196
2   libsystem_c.dylib                     0x7fff204d3a82 sleep + 41
3   CoreData                              0x7fff25f7b979 -[NSXPCStore sendMessage:fromContext:interrupts:error:] + 825
4   CoreData                              0x7fff25f7c9ba -[NSXPCStore loadMetadata:] + 394
5   CoreData                              0x7fff25d48f6d __91-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:]_block_invoke + 1853
6   CoreData                              0x7fff25d5d781 gutsOfBlockToNSPersistentStoreCoordinatorPerform + 209
7   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
8   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e95ce _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 60
9   CoreData                              0x7fff25d451d2 _perform + 178
10  CoreData                              0x7fff25c66bf8 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:] + 520
11  CoreData                              0x7fff25d480e8 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _doAddPersistentStoreWithDescription:privateCopy:completeOnMainThread:withHandler:] + 520
12  CoreData                              0x7fff25d486f1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithDescription:completionHandler:] + 241
13  CoreData                              0x7fff25e29ae2 -[NSPersistentContainer _loadStoreDescriptions:withCompletionHandler:] + 386
14  CoreData                              0x7fff25e29937 -[NSPersistentContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:] + 423
15  MapsSync                              0x7fff468fe2f0 0x7fff468d5000 + 168688
16  MapsSync                              0x7fff4693548e 0x7fff468d5000 + 394382
17  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203db623 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
18  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
19  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
20  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30ad _dispatch_lane_invoke + 366
21  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
22  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
23  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 3 Crashed::  Dispatch queue: RTEventModelProvider-0x7f98ab727200
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff2055790e __pthread_kill + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff205865bd pthread_kill + 263
2   libsystem_c.dylib                     0x7fff204db406 abort + 125
3   libc++abi.dylib                       0x7fff20549ef2 abort_message + 241
4   libc++abi.dylib                       0x7fff2053b5fd demangling_terminate_handler() + 266
5   libobjc.A.dylib                       0x7fff204343d3 _objc_terminate() + 96
6   libc++abi.dylib                       0x7fff20549307 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 8
7   libc++abi.dylib                       0x7fff205492a9 std::terminate() + 41
8   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc81a _dispatch_client_callout + 28
9   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
10  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30e0 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417
11  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
12  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
13  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 4::  Dispatch queue: NSManagedObjectContext 0x7f98ab65b4f0: routined
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff20552986 kevent_id + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203f96b7 _dispatch_kq_poll + 163
2   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203fa222 _dispatch_event_loop_wait_for_ownership + 522
3   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e9812 __DISPATCH_WAIT_FOR_QUEUE__ + 270
4   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e9475 _dispatch_sync_f_slow + 171
5   CoreData                              0x7fff25d451d2 _perform + 178
6   CoreData                              0x7fff25d454bb -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeHeavyweightBlock:] + 203
7   CoreData                              0x7fff25c7a94f -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 1791
8   CoreData                              0x7fff25cddb89 -[NSManagedObjectContext _countWithNoChangesForRequest:error:] + 521
9   CoreData                              0x7fff25cdcfac -[NSManagedObjectContext _countForFetchRequest_:error:] + 172
10  CoreData                              0x7fff25cbc3ee -[NSManagedObjectContext countForFetchRequest:error:] + 14
11  libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2dedfb7e -[RTPersistenceContext countForFetchRequest:error:] + 473
12  libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2df70508 __63-[RTLearnedLocationStore _removeUnreferencedPlacesWithHandler:]_block_invoke + 855
13  libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2dfb6bed __50-[RTStore _performBlock:contextType:errorHandler:]_block_invoke.172 + 20
14  CoreData                              0x7fff25cb37e1 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 161
15  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
16  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
17  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30ad _dispatch_lane_invoke + 366
18  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
19  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
20  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 5:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 6:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 7::  Dispatch queue: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 0x7f98ab717480: All
0   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203b3132 tiny_free_list_remove_ptr + 259
1   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203b2601 tiny_free_no_lock + 1014
2   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203b20c9 free_tiny + 442
3   CoreData                              0x7fff25c98ab2 _NSQLRow_dealloc_standard + 50
4   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2071c6cd __CFBasicHashRemoveValue + 141
5   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff20643a26 CFBasicHashRemoveValue + 2830
6   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2065ad09 CFDictionaryRemoveValue + 167
7   CoreData                              0x7fff25ca0739 -[NSPersistentStoreCache decrementRefCountForObjectID:] + 89
8   CoreData                              0x7fff25ca0697 -[NSSQLCore managedObjectContextDidUnregisterObjectsWithIDs:generation:] + 263
9   CoreData                              0x7fff25d532ad __111-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) managedObjectContextDidUnregisterObjectsWithIDs:generation:]_block_invoke + 1069
10  CoreData                              0x7fff25d5d781 gutsOfBlockToNSPersistentStoreCoordinatorPerform + 209
11  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
12  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
13  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30ad _dispatch_lane_invoke + 366
14  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
15  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
16  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 8::  Dispatch queue: RTLearnedLocationEngine-0x7f98ab6244f0
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff205512d6 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dcc9b _dispatch_sema4_wait + 16
2   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dd16d _dispatch_semaphore_wait_slow + 98
3   libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2dedabbc -[RTLearnedLocationEngine _purgeWithReferenceDate:error:] + 441
4   libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2dedcf6a __71-[RTLearnedLocationEngine performPurgeOfType:referenceDate:completion:]_block_invoke + 389
5   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203db623 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
6   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
7   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
8   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30e0 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417
9   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
11  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 9:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 10::  Dispatch queue: NSManagedObjectContext 0x7f98ab65b680: routined
0   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203b31b1 tiny_free_list_remove_ptr + 386
1   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203b2601 tiny_free_no_lock + 1014
2   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203b20c9 free_tiny + 442
3   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff20620247 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 310
4   Foundation                            0x7fff21340bff -[NSFunctionExpression dealloc] + 63
5   Foundation                            0x7fff21340b9a -[NSKeyPathExpression dealloc] + 55
6   Foundation                            0x7fff21340af8 -[NSComparisonPredicate dealloc] + 53
7   libobjc.A.dylib                       0x7fff20444343 AutoreleasePoolPage::releaseUntil(objc_object**) + 167
8   libobjc.A.dylib                       0x7fff20426d94 objc_autoreleasePoolPop + 161
9   CoreData                              0x7fff25cb38a3 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 355
10  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
11  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
12  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30ad _dispatch_lane_invoke + 366
13  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
14  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
15  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 11:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 12::  Dispatch queue: RTPurgeManager-0x7f98b0c04410
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff205512d6 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dcc9b _dispatch_sema4_wait + 16
2   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dd16d _dispatch_semaphore_wait_slow + 98
3   libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2de8dd5b -[RTPurgeManager _purgeWithType:referenceDate:handler:] + 1002
4   libcoreroutine.dylib                  0x7fff2de8d4fa -[RTPurgeManager _purge:] + 249
5   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203db623 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
6   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
7   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
8   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30e0 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417
9   libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
11  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 13::  Dispatch queue: SQLQueue 0x7f98ac88beb0 for Cloud-V2.sqlite
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x7fff205529ce __ulock_wait + 10
1   libsystem_platform.dylib              0x7fff205ca0c5 _os_unfair_lock_lock_slow + 162
2   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203af702 tiny_malloc_should_clear + 142
3   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203ae667 szone_malloc_should_clear + 66
4   libsystem_malloc.dylib                0x7fff203c7f3b _malloc_zone_malloc + 118
5   CoreFoundation                        0x7fff2061ec97 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 287
6   CoreData                              0x7fff25c8d929 newFetchedRowsForFetchPlan_MT + 2297
7   CoreData                              0x7fff25f1a567 _executeFetchRequest + 55
8   CoreData                              0x7fff25de2a39 -[NSSQLFetchRequestContext executeRequestCore:] + 41
9   CoreData                              0x7fff25ec9bcd -[NSSQLStoreRequestContext executeRequestUsingConnection:] + 397
10  CoreData                              0x7fff25ede2b8 __52-[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:]_block_invoke + 56
11  CoreData                              0x7fff25d9fedc __37-[NSSQLiteConnection performAndWait:]_block_invoke + 28
12  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
13  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e95ce _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 60
14  CoreData                              0x7fff25d9fd9e -[NSSQLiteConnection performAndWait:] + 142
15  CoreData                              0x7fff25ede1b4 -[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:] + 308
16  CoreData                              0x7fff25ddc329 -[NSSQLCoreDispatchManager routeStoreRequest:] + 329
17  CoreData                              0x7fff25d82dbb -[NSSQLCore dispatchRequest:withRetries:] + 219
18  CoreData                              0x7fff25d7dde7 -[NSSQLCore processFetchRequest:inContext:] + 87
19  CoreData                              0x7fff25c7b5fb -[NSSQLCore executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 1131
20  CoreData                              0x7fff25d4e303 __65-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:]_block_invoke.851 + 3251
21  CoreData                              0x7fff25d454ed -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeHeavyweightBlock:] + 253
22  CoreData                              0x7fff25c7a94f -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 1791
23  CoreData                              0x7fff25c78819 -[NSManagedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:error:] + 969
24  CoreData                              0x7fff25e0ff2c _faultBatchAtIndex + 828
25  CoreData                              0x7fff25e10e5f -[_PFBatchFaultingArray retainedObjectAtIndex:] + 79
26  CoreData                              0x7fff25e128c4 -[_PFBatchFaultingArray objectAtIndex:] + 36
27  CoreData                              0x7fff25e13214 -[_PFMutableProxyArray getObjects:range:] + 324
28  CoreFoundation                        0x7fff206700ee -[NSArray countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:] + 180
29  CoreData                              0x7fff25f9e422 __85-[PFCloudKitMetadataModelMigrator checkForRecordMetadataZoneCorruptionInStore:error:]_block_invoke_2 + 130
30  CoreData                              0x7fff25d182c6 +[_PFRoutines efficientlyEnumerateManagedObjectsInFetchRequest:usingManagedObjectContext:andApplyBlock:] + 550
31  CoreData                              0x7fff25f9dfb2 __85-[PFCloudKitMetadataModelMigrator checkForRecordMetadataZoneCorruptionInStore:error:]_block_invoke + 354
32  CoreData                              0x7fff25cb37e1 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 161
33  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
34  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e95ce _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 60
35  CoreData                              0x7fff25cb36f5 -[NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:] + 277
36  CoreData                              0x7fff25f9dd7a -[PFCloudKitMetadataModelMigrator checkForRecordMetadataZoneCorruptionInStore:error:] + 346
37  CoreData                              0x7fff25f9aa8f -[PFCloudKitMetadataModelMigrator commitMigrationMetadataAndCleanup:] + 239
38  CoreData                              0x7fff25f9d163 -[PFCloudKitMetadataModelMigrator checkAndPerformMigrationIfNecessary:] + 291
39  CoreData                              0x7fff25dd0c46 +[PFCloudKitMetadataModel checkAndRepairSchemaOfStore:withManagedObjectContext:error:] + 326
40  CoreData                              0x7fff25ea098d __56-[PFCloudKitSetupAssistant _checkAndInitializeMetadata:]_block_invoke + 237
41  CoreData                              0x7fff25ec5170 -[PFCloudKitStoreMonitor performBlock:] + 96
42  CoreData                              0x7fff25ea079b -[PFCloudKitSetupAssistant _checkAndInitializeMetadata:] + 203
43  CoreData                              0x7fff25ea0615 -[PFCloudKitSetupAssistant _initializeCloudKitForObservedStore:] + 69
44  CoreData                              0x7fff25debb70 __52-[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _performSetupRequest:]_block_invoke + 144
45  CoreData                              0x7fff25dea8a6 __92-[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _openTransactionWithLabel:assertionLabel:andExecuteWorkBlock:]_block_invoke + 54
46  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203db623 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
47  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203dc806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
48  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e25ea _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 606
49  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203e30e0 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417
50  libdispatch.dylib                     0x7fff203ecc0d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 811
51  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058345d _pthread_wqthread + 314
52  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff2058242f start_wqthread + 15

Thread 14:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 15:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 16:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 17:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7fff20582420 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 3 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
  rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x0000700003141000  rcx: 0x00007000031402e8  rdx: 0x0000000000000000
  rdi: 0x0000000000002c07  rsi: 0x0000000000000006  rbp: 0x0000700003140310  rsp: 0x00007000031402e8
   r8: 0x00007000031401b0   r9: 0x0000000000000000  r10: 0x0000000000000000  r11: 0x0000000000000246
  r12: 0x0000000000002c07  r13: 0x0000003000000008  r14: 0x0000000000000006  r15: 0x0000000000000016
  rip: 0x00007fff2055790e  rfl: 0x0000000000000246  cr2: 0x00007f98ad89d000
Logical CPU:     0
Error Code:      0x02000148
Trap Number:     133

Binary Images:
    0x7fff20550000 -     0x7fff2057ffff libsystem_kernel.dylib (*) <ba061e84-6d44-3037-832d-e86d783fa917> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x7fff205fe000 -     0x7fff20a9bfff CoreFoundation (*) <bdbc7e56-c3ac-3561-a7c6-a422093307ad> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x7fff212d9000 -     0x7fff21637fff Foundation (*) <4f4709dd-c198-3aa1-86a0-71d2f2fdd65d> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
       0x105410000 -        0x105413fff routined (*) <d3623638-c07f-3ab0-a0a0-30e8e54434a3> /usr/libexec/routined
    0x7fff2058c000 -     0x7fff205c7fff libdyld.dylib (*) <fd8db5bc-f199-3524-9dc4-daec0e94712f> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x7fff203d9000 -     0x7fff2041dfff libdispatch.dylib (*) <5d824c33-c5e2-38a8-bd00-d934443dbdab> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    0x7fff25c5f000 -     0x7fff2608ffff CoreData (*) <89641bf5-0cf3-3b57-bde9-00f2b55badfd> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
    0x7fff2de49000 -     0x7fff2e130fff libcoreroutine.dylib (*) <63de47bd-9ff9-37d4-b123-295413ff3dae> /usr/lib/libcoreroutine.dylib
    0x7fff20580000 -     0x7fff2058bfff libsystem_pthread.dylib (*) <409239a7-2e4e-31c7-87eb-ee50b7981204> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
    0x7fff2045b000 -     0x7fff204e3fff libsystem_c.dylib (*) <bc8bceea-ca52-32c7-9ff5-e444cf9ef66a> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
    0x7fff468d5000 -     0x7fff4698efff MapsSync (*) <1751f5ce-22d1-363c-a193-67ed84a1a5bc> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MapsSync.framework/Versions/A/MapsSync
    0x7fff2053a000 -     0x7fff2054ffff libc++abi.dylib (*) <b96fc1dd-0056-3e11-862a-c0bb8239fea0> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x7fff2041e000 -     0x7fff20457fff libobjc.A.dylib (*) <10a034d0-f915-3372-92c5-33fe01a4612f> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x7fff203ac000 -     0x7fff203d8fff libsystem_malloc.dylib (*) <3ab4c7e9-c49c-3eb7-9370-370f3f655024> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
    0x7fff205c8000 -     0x7fff205d1fff libsystem_platform.dylib (*) <52a77346-8aa5-3bb7-906d-c7503b491cf9> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib

External Modification Summary:
  Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by all processes on this machine:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=885.8M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=885.8M(100%)
Writable regions: Total=439.0M written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=439.0M(100%)

                                VIRTUAL   REGION
REGION TYPE                        SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced)
===========                     =======  =======
Activity Tracing                   256K        1
CoreData                           124K        1
CoreData Object IDs               4100K        2
Dispatch continuations           192.0M        2
Foundation                          16K        1
Kernel Alloc Once                    8K        1
MALLOC                           218.1M       72
MALLOC guard page                   16K        4
SQLite page cache                 7808K      122
STACK GUARD                       56.1M       18
Stack                             16.6M       18
VM_ALLOCATE                         12K        3
__DATA                            18.1M      457
__DATA_CONST                      28.3M      295
__DATA_DIRTY                      1845K      200
__FONT_DATA                          4K        1
__LINKEDIT                       500.6M       12
__OBJC_RO                         70.2M        1
__OBJC_RW                         2496K        2
__TEXT                           385.3M      461
__UNICODE                          588K        1
mapped file                       53.0M       12
shared memory                      588K        7
===========                     =======  =======
TOTAL                              1.5G     1694

Text from /DiagnosticReports/ .panic file
MacOS Panic Report

Stackshot source: Disk
Panic string:
mp_kdp_enter() timed-out on cpu 12, NMI-ing
mp_kdp_enter() NMI pending on cpus: 0 8 9
mp_kdp_enter() timed-out during locked wait after NMI; expected 24 acks but received 22 after 15495140 loops in 1728999779 ticks
panic(cpu 12 caller 0xffffff800ef94255): "Uninterruptible processor(s): CPU bitmap: 0x100, NMIPI acks: 0x0, now: 0x0, deadline: 15053596549634"

Backtrace (CPU 12):
0xffffffa0821c3a10 : 0xffffff800ee802fd mach_kernel: _handle_debugger_trap + 0x3fd
0xffffffa0821c3a60 : 0xffffff800efc9193 mach_kernel: _kdp_i386_trap + 0x143
0xffffffa0821c3aa0 : 0xffffff800efb978a mach_kernel: _kernel_trap + 0x55a
0xffffffa0821c3af0 : 0xffffff800ee24a2f mach_kernel: _return_from_trap + 0xff
0xffffffa0821c3b10 : 0xffffff800ee7fb1d mach_kernel: _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0xad
0xffffffa0821c3c30 : 0xffffff800ee7fe13 mach_kernel: _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x273
0xffffffa0821c3ca0 : 0xffffff800f69459a mach_kernel: _panic + 0x54
0xffffffa0821c3d10 : 0xffffff800ef94255 mach_kernel: _pmap_flush + 0x465
0xffffffa0821c3d90 : 0xffffff800ef3d2c8 mach_kernel: _vm_io_reprioritize_init + 0x1db8
0xffffffa0821c3e00 : 0xffffff800ef425e6 mach_kernel: _memory_object_recover_named + 0x316
0xffffffa0821c3e40 : 0xffffff800ef553ac mach_kernel: _vm_purgeable_object_purge_one + 0x30c
0xffffffa0821c3eb0 : 0xffffff800ef46aaa mach_kernel: _vm_pageout_scan + 0x47a
0xffffffa0821c3f70 : 0xffffff800ef48f2b mach_kernel: _vm_pageout_continue + 0x5b
0xffffffa0821c3fa0 : 0xffffff800ee2413e mach_kernel: _call_continuation + 0x2e

Process name: kernel_task
Boot arguments:
keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -lilubetaall -btlfxallowanyaddr ipc_control_port_options=0 -nokcmismatchpanic -disable_sidecar_mac

MacOS version: 20G1427
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Thu Jul 6 22:12:47 PDT 2023
Kernel UUID: 519A0898-ED4B-3E72-8F00-1B49F715A474
KernelCache slide: 0x000000000ec00000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff800ee00000
Kernel slide: 0x000000000ec10000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff800ee10000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff800ed00000
System model name: MacPro5,1 (Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61)

System uptime (nanoseconds): 15055100380764
Last sleep:
Uptime: 0x00000db149e910d5
Sleep: 0x0000000000000000
Wake: 0x0000000000000000

System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diagnostics file available: YES
Hibernation exit count: 0

Non-Apple kext list:
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 10.27.49.png
Last edited:
Did you inspected the CPU tray northbridge heat sink push-pins? NMI lockup are classic northbridge overheating.

While doing the inspection, measure the BR2032 RTC battery voltage and replace it if the voltage is below 3.00V.
  • Like
Reactions: MattMorris
Thanks @tsialex. The NB temperature readings seem normal as far as I can tell, but I will inspect while checking the RTC battery voltage later on this evening. MFC screenshot enclosed with the MP under light load.

Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 12.36.46.png
Dust also causes this type of NMI related KPs. It’s CPU tray related, keep it cool and clean.
  • Like
Reactions: 77ohman
I'm very happy to have the fans running loudly as the Mac is housed remotely in a cool garage. I currently have the CPU fans maxing out when the CPU heatsinks reach 65C. I'll boost the intake too.
You can keep fans at 100%, you still gonna have NMI crashes when the northbridge heatsink pushpins are broken.
  • Like
Reactions: 77ohman
Ok, but if the Northbridge temp sensors are reading as normal, that indicates that the heatsink is working ok right? Assuming the sensors are not faulty / misaligned of course. Either way, I'll definitely inspect to make sure - just need to watch a few YouTube videos first!
Nope, the northbridge diode can show lower temps at idle even with the heatsink disconnected. Common problem of temperate countries and winter time.
Just had the Mac open. Battery was over 3v, so no problem there. CPU tray looks in very good condition - very little dust etc. No thermal paste to hand so could not remove the main CPU heatsinks to properly inspect the Northbridge heatsink, but it looks ok, no "rocking" etc.

I'll get hold of some paste to do it all properly and report back.
Hi, it's getting power from the standard board / native PSU.
I tried that for a short period of time but was having panics when doing work in Lightroom and FCPX. I may have over reacted, but ever since I did a separate power supply and inject it into the 580, I have had zero issues.

Rated power the factory PSU should be relatively okay, but over time things can and do degrade. I just figured an ATS power supply is easier to replace if that pops, versus the out of production cMP power supply.
Many thanks @840quadra. You've got me investigating this tangent while I'm (still) waiting for the heatsink paste to arrive. According to iStat menus, under moderate load (3 x monitors, general GUI video and HD playback), the card seems to be drawing >140W. However - the PCIe aux power sockets don't seem to be supplying enough power to meet the demand (see attached screenshot). Either there is a fault somewhere or iStat Menus is not reporting the current draw accurately?

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 10.08.28.png
Many thanks @840quadra. You've got me investigating this tangent while I'm (still) waiting for the heatsink paste to arrive. According to iStat menus, under moderate load (3 x monitors, general GUI video and HD playback), the card seems to be drawing >140W. However - the PCIe aux power sockets don't seem to be supplying enough power to meet the demand (see attached screenshot). Either there is a fault somewhere or iStat Menus is not reporting the current draw accurately?

Never mind... It appears as though IStat misreports the current draw (A) from the slots by around a half of what it's actually drawing vs the Power (W) reported by the RX580 section. Just ran Heaven GPU stress test and the current consumption ramped up.
  • Like
Reactions: 840quadra
Never mind... It appears as though IStat misreports the current draw (A) from the slots by around a half of what it's actually drawing vs the Power (W) reported by the RX580 section. Just ran Heaven GPU stress test and the current consumption ramped up.
Good to know.

I haven’t used iStat for ages, typically only have it up when I am going through situations like you are now. Hopefully things get sorted for you.

As with anything on older systems YMMV, my panics were frequent during long export sessions with Lightroom and sometimes with FCPX. In that case I was watching trending GPU and CPU reports from Activity monitor only.

In my case, the extra power solved my issue, but know that others are running the 580 off the stock PSU with no issues.
Quite interested in your theory @840quadra. I'm unable to do any major work on the Mac Pro at the moment due to requiring it for work, but I did try rolling back to stock (non OCLP) High Sierra. Had the same freeze with the RX580 installed (so not an OCLP issue). I've now reinstalled my original 5870 and have had no freezes since. So am thinking this is either a CPU / Northbridge problem or GPU firmware / powering.

The PSU extra power mod that I've seen elsewhere on here looks too involved for me. How are you doing yours? I've heard about tapping power from the empty optical drive bay. That seems do-able to me I think.
My install is quite simple.

-Mac Pro with Rx580 installed
- Corsair Modular PSU sat on the floor behind it.
--My PSU has a dedicated power switch
-- PSU has power On jumpered to bring power online whenever the PSU is switched on.

I have one of the GPU cables that came with it, plugged into the GPU modular port and run in through an open PCI slot (cover not installed, but I made a partial cover to reduce dust / less impact to airflow.

I make sure the PSU is powered on before I boot the Mac Pro, and the system is totally happy, has been run this way for 2 years. I do the same with my 3,1, and built a setup for a good friend that runs his the same way.

You don't have to get a modular PSU, just ensure whatever unit you buy will support the load of your GPU. Since you aren't powering a motherboard with it, you can get a relatively small PSU.
may i suggest EVGA Powerlink to power your RX580.

It basically smooohe out the power draw from the mini 6 pin power sockets.

I have been using it withAMD Vega 56 for many years now - exporting video from FCPX and almost daily sevreal hundred Raw to JPG export from Lightoroom.

No problems encountered.
  • Like
Reactions: MattMorris
Alternative if you don't want to do the Pixlas mod is to source another RX580 with a single eight pin power socket. The two onboard power points should deal with this with no problem. The 8+6 ones are too power hungry without the mod or external psu.
  • Like
Reactions: MattMorris
Thanks for everyone's help with this..

Alternative if you don't want to do the Pixlas mod is to source another RX580 with a single eight pin power socket. The two onboard power points should deal with this with no problem. The 8+6 ones are too power hungry without the mod or external psu.
I do have the 8-pin version of the RX580 already. I did have to flash it to get the Mac boot screen as it didn't work as standard.

may i suggest EVGA Powerlink to power your RX580.

It basically smooohe out the power draw from the mini 6 pin power sockets.

I have been using it withAMD Vega 56 for many years now - exporting video from FCPX and almost daily sevreal hundred Raw to JPG export from Lightoroom.

No problems encountered.
Thanks, this seems like a good simple option to potentially isolate the problem. I've ordered a PowerLink second-hand off eBay, I'll report back.
Non-Maskable Interrupts crashes are not GPU overconsumption related, SMC just shutdown the Mac Pro PSU in this case.

Your issue is the CPU tray.
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  • Like
Reactions: MattMorris
Thanks @tsialex, not ignoring your advice by any means. I just can’t take the CPU tray apart to investigate for another week or two.

I've had the Mac Pro fully open and have inspected the CPU tray.

The tray was generally in good shape. A little bit of dust and some traces of "gunk" - what looks like flux residue that dust had stuck to.

I gave it a general clean, inspected the CPUs and re-pasted them. The Northbridge plastic clips were intact and looked ok but I replaced with the M3 x 14 screws as per other threads and re-pasted it.

Mac re-booted ok, ran another long test and got the freeze again. :(

I got hold of an EVGA Powerlink, installed it and for a while it looked good, but overnight the Mac froze again.

Having the Powerlink installed did seem to stabilise the Mac and allow the test to run longer than before, but this may have just been a random anomaly.

I'm now almost at a loss. I'm fairly happy that I've eliminated most causes for these crashes, so I'm looking at something that I likely can't fix.

My last big throw of the dice is to swap out the GPU. A couple of weeks ago I swapped the GPU to my original and ran some tests in High Sierra and didn't seem to get any freezes. May have just been a one off-though.

Any suggestions welcome.
Don't mean to hijack this thread, but are there any updates to this?

I also have a 5,1, 12 core 3.46, AMD 580 nitro, 64g ram, oclp 2.2.0, sequoia 15.2 - that freezes randomly. I've re-seated/re-pasted the CPU's and Northbridge (clips are fine) and still the same issue.

Last week, my neighbor gave me a clean 5,1, 12 core 2.66, that he no longer uses, and I switched out that tray into mine and it still freezes. For me, that removes the cpu tray from the equation.

It'll be on sometimes for 30 mins, sometimes 4-5 hours and it will freeze.

I'm wondering now, if maybe it's the power supply or maybe the efi?

Here's my kernel panic report -

Panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8004bd976f): zone_require_ro failed: element improperly aligned (addr: 0xffffff87162f1690) @zalloc.c:7376
Panicked task 0xffffff9579691110: 14 threads: pid 178: WindowServer
Backtrace (CPU 0), panicked thread: 0xffffff8bd52b50e0, Frame : Return Address
0xffffffc8cd99ba50 : 0xffffff80043e8351 mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x4c1
0xffffffc8cd99baa0 : 0xffffff800455611c mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x11c
0xffffffc8cd99bae0 : 0xffffff80045459e3 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x763
0xffffffc8cd99bbb0 : 0xffffff800437d971 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xc1
0xffffffc8cd99bbd0 : 0xffffff80043e8647 mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x67
0xffffffc8cd99bcd0 : 0xffffff80043e7ce2 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x1e2
0xffffffc8cd99bd40 : 0xffffff8004bd34f8 mach_kernel : _panic + 0x81
0xffffffc8cd99be30 : 0xffffff8004bd976f mach_kernel : ___smr_stail_invalid + 0x2ce9
0xffffffc8cd99be70 : 0xffffff80048c5f87 mach_kernel : _kauth_cred_proc_ref + 0x167
0xffffffc8cd99bea0 : 0xffffff80048c5cf8 mach_kernel : _kauth_cred_ref + 0xc8
0xffffffc8cd99bee0 : 0xffffff800452a317 mach_kernel : _mach_call_munger64 + 0x2b7
0xffffffc8cd99bfa0 : 0xffffff800437ddd6 mach_kernel : _hndl_mach_scall64 + 0x16

Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff8bd52b50e0): WindowServer
Boot args: keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -lilubetaall ipc_control_port_options=0 -nokcmismatchpanic

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 24.2.0: Fri Dec 6 18:41:43 PST 2024; root:xnu-11215.61.5~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 1AF74199-8232-377B-9439-FC14897F5A39
roots installed: 0
KernelCache slide: 0x0000000004000000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff8004200000
Kernel slide: 0x00000000040e4000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff80042e4000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8004100000
System model name: MacPro5,1 (Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 4715473062218
Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano
Uptime : 0x00000449e818d491
Sleep : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
Wake : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000002d12938180 0x0000000000000000
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffff80a9630000 - 0xffffffa0a9630000
. PGZ : 0xffffff80a9630000 - 0xffffff80b1631000
. VM : 0xffffff80b1631000 - 0xffffff857cfca000
. RO : 0xffffff857cfca000 - 0xffffff87162fd000
. GEN0 : 0xffffff87162fd000 - 0xffffff8be1c96000
. GEN1 : 0xffffff8be1c96000 - 0xffffff90ad62f000
. GEN2 : 0xffffff90ad62f000 - 0xffffff9578fc8000
. GEN3 : 0xffffff9578fc8000 - 0xffffff9a44962000
. DATA : 0xffffff9a44962000 - 0xffffffa0a9630000
Metadata: 0xffffffa0a9640000 - 0xffffffa0c9640000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffa0c9640000 - 0xffffffa0d5640000
Extra : 0 - 0

Thanks for any insight.
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