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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 31, 2021
Hendersonville, NC
Howdy ya'll. I have a 2012 Mac Pro 5,1 and recently it had decided not to completely power up and boot. I have checked and the proper lights come on the mainboard when powered up and the DVD drive makes noise. The drives don't spin up (4x4TB drives) and none of the fans come on. There is also no video on my two monitors hooked up to my video card.

I have followed several online troubleshooting suggestion threads but I am not sure if it is a power supply (not likely I think since the proper LEDS come on and the test button give the proper results), the motherboard. or the processor board. I have swapped the memory out and gave the machine a good cleaning with compressed air. I have tried two video cards in the machine a Radeon 7950 and a Radeon RX580 with no difference. I have reset the SMC and tried to reset the PRAM but that did not help.

Any suggestions on what might be wrong? I may just pick up a used 5,1 nd swap parts out until I get a working machine since they are cheaper than buying the power supply, mainboard, and processor board.


Jun 13, 2016
Any suggestions on what might be wrong? I may just pick up a used 5,1 nd swap parts out until I get a working machine since they are cheaper than buying the power supply, mainboard, and processor board.

Cheapest/easiest way to diagnose your defective Mac Pro.
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