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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 20, 2008
Hi there,
I have the 6-core Mac Pro. I've had one display connected (DP out from display, into Mac via mini-DisplayPort), and the other via DVI. When I switched the DVI connection to a second DisplayPort to mini-DisplayPort (there are, after all, two mini-DisplayPort ports in the back of the Mac Pro), the Mac Pro worked fine for a while, but then froze.
Is there a problem using two displays, both connected via DisplayPort?
Yes, just happened the once.
Now that I know it can work, I'm trying it again. Will post back if I have any problems.
Thanks for the advice...
With both displays (Dell Ultrasharps) attached via DisplayPort (and at Mac Pro end, mini-DP), Mac Pro won't actually start. I hear a faint chime, and then it just seems to be in sleep mode, but with no screen/display activity.
I shut down, and moved the DP/mini-DP cable that's been connecting the 23" Dell (that has been working) to the Dell 27" Dell that hasn't yet worked via DP, and... it works fine.
So it must be my new cable that's at fault. I'll try to get a new one, and report back.
Yep, Dell Ultrasharps and some other monitors are particularly picky about some MiniDP-DP cables. My U2311H's didn't like the monoprice cables, but they run fine on the cables from CircuitAssembly.
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