I'll offer my 7,1 delivered late 2022 with W3245 16 core 3.2ghz, W6800X 32GB MPX module, 48GB RAM and 1TB SSD, original boxes, perfect condition for AUD$20,000 second hand... haha.

Just kidding, it's going nowhere at the moment.
I think that's exactly what's happening - people are snapping up what's available because the new 2023 model is Pro in name only. I kind of expected this would occur so the W6800X Duo will probably disappear really fast, any W3275M CPUs will also probably become very costly (due to demand).
I expected this might happen hence I got the 7,1 while it was still available. Despite the trolls saying they are "worth nothing, people can't even give them away" - doesn't look like they will be going too cheaply.