I recently had a noise issue with my new Mac Pro with the ATI RAdeon 5870 card. There was a lot of noise when the fans cranked up. Apple techs here in Paris took the machine and said they put it under an Apple analysis and test over night and now the noise that they heard themselves is now gone. They replaced nothing. They repaired nothing. Though I can hear the fan on the graphic card increase in spin noise when it rises above idle, which I presume is normal, it is somewhat better than when they took in the machine for repair. However, when the computer is idling and the graphic card is idling under no load I can now hear more of an uneven fan noise, which is disturbing. It's as if you can hear the fan changing its tone or tonality, moving up and down in tone as it idles.
It's not all of the time, but most of the time when there is no load on the card. Like an uneven humming under lowest fan speed.
Doe anyone else hear this symptom? Is it normal as the fan or bearings are running at their slowest? Everything else so far works ok graphically with the card. (I had a MBP 17 that made noise when idling once and they replaced the two fans in the back and the noise was gone.) I realize this is a high performance graphic card and I do work in a quiet space, but if replacing the card would net me a more even sounding working environment I would risk it. If not, then c'est la vie.
Thanks for any advice.
It's not all of the time, but most of the time when there is no load on the card. Like an uneven humming under lowest fan speed.
Doe anyone else hear this symptom? Is it normal as the fan or bearings are running at their slowest? Everything else so far works ok graphically with the card. (I had a MBP 17 that made noise when idling once and they replaced the two fans in the back and the noise was gone.) I realize this is a high performance graphic card and I do work in a quiet space, but if replacing the card would net me a more even sounding working environment I would risk it. If not, then c'est la vie.
Thanks for any advice.